Chapter 2

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The cool breeze she had felt hitting her face from the moment she left the Coopers home was suddenly abandoned as she slowly stepped into Pop's diner, taking in the warming and vibrant atmosphere of the establishment that had a been a staple in the community since before she was born. She couldn't help but notice how quiet it appeared to be, a stark contrast from the friendly laughter and conversation that was always present.

She sighed deeply as she strolled towards the counter ready to make her order. At the corner of her eye as she leaned over the counter, she noticed Pop, the diner's owner, with his back turned, reading over receipts. He turned around at the sound of the bell, his face gleaming at the sight of one of his favourite customers.

"Alice!" He beamed, approaching the till. "Haven't seen you around here in a while."

"Hi Pop." She greeted relatively calmly, but happiness still appearing in her voice. She was grateful to see his face. "Yeah, I've just, been busy." She lied, stepping closer towards the counter before propping her elbows up onto it, leaning over slightly

"Usual?" He asked with a smile, eyebrows raised in anticipation as he awaited her response.

A wide grin graced her face, the thought of having the taste of Pop's famous Strawberry milkshakes on her lips sent a warm glow all through her body. "You know me so well. Yes please."

He returned the wide smile before turning around and preparing the fancy beverage. He was truly just as happy to see her as she was to see him. He'd worked at this diner for 30 years, pretty much watched every teen grow up, from infancy to adolescence. He'd seen so many come and go throughout the years, gotten to know the families incredibly well, it only felt natural that he'd build a bond with them.

He prepared the glass, along with the coaster and napkin, placing it onto the counter in front of her. "Thank you Pop." She answered, handing him the right change directly into his fist. Taking the milkshake, she proceeded to the booth closest to the door, but the sight of a familiar face on the other side of the glass neon sign covered door took her by surprise, halting her in steps.

"Tanya?" Alice questioned as she looked at the tall dark haired woman in surprise.

Tanya Topaz had been one of her closest friends growing up on the Southside. She was a fellow Serpent, feisty, strong willed, tough, everything a Southsider was stereotypically known to be. She had known Tanya most of her life, granted she was a couple years older than Alice, they still shared a close bond, always had each others back, stuck with each other through thick and thin. It was a necessity, growing up in their rough environment.

Tanya glared at her instantly, a mildly unimpressed look donning her oval face as she stared Alice up and down. She wouldn't admit it directly, but the sight of Alice certainly put her in a state of shock. An even bigger shock? Seeing her in a completely new light. She seemed to had traded her custom leather Serpent jacket for pastels, swapped her chockers with pearls and transformed her curly blonde mane into neatly straightened locks, fixed perfectly with a baby blue headband.

"Wow." She expressed with a straight face, folding her arms to her chest. "Almost didn't recognise you in that 1950s suburban housewife get up. Far cry from fishnets and leather jackets huh?" She added with a smug head tilt.

Alice fiddled with the corners of her coat, looking down in mild shame. "Yeah, well, let's just say the Coopers aren't particularly fond of the Southside now are they?"

Tanya's brows raised in disgust, her mouth falling agape as she continued to glare Alice up and down. "Am I supposed to feel sorry you? Because you had to change up your wardrobe to please Richie Rich? You gotta be kidding me!"

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