Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

A/N: I'm a boujee bitch who only drinks Starbucks, I have no idea how coffee is made at home.

Alice walked through into the kitchen with Charlie in her hip.

The tot had been up half the night, resulting her current exhaustion.

She placed him in his baby seat in the living room and walked back into the kitchen to make a much needed cup of coffee and warm up a bottle for Charlie.

FP staggered out of the room and into the kitchen rubbing his hands through his hair.

He walked over to Alice who was stood by the microwave and wrapped his hands around her waist.

He leaned into her neck and attempted to kiss her, being met by a swift hand being placed in between them.

"What's wrong?" He asked her.

"You know what's wrong. Trying to whoo me is not going to work." She said sternly before taking the bottle out of the pit and placing it on the table before going to get Charlie.

She came back into the dining area and sat with him on her lap to feed him.

"Oh please don't give me shit about last night, I said I'm sorry baby. I think my hangover is punishment enough."

Alice frowns as she looks back at him, clearly unimpressed. She returns to feeding Charlie and continues to ignore him.

FP reaches his hand out and rests it in her arm. "Babe I said I was sorry. I'll make it up to you tonight." He grins as he raises his brow

Alice refused to look up at him. "I'm working tonight."

"Well tomorrow then." He continued

She finally looked up and smirked back. "Fine." She mumbled.

He got back and kissed her on her cheek before leaving to get ready for his shift at the Wyrm.

Once he had left, Alice placed Charlie back on his baby seat and returned to the kitchen. She was in desperate need of coffee.

She is in the middle of preparing to make a pot when she hears the trailer door open. She knows it's not FP or Forsythe so she wonders who it could be.

"Hello?!" She calls out, prepared to attack in case it's an intruder.

"Hey Ali." Her Mother grins to her as she shuts the front door.

Alice relaxes a little before getting ready to berate her mother entering the home unannounced.

"You can't just barge in here unannounced. I thought we were being robbed." Alice expressed

Karen threw her purse onto the couch and sat down. "Not likely doll. Not much in here to swipe anyway."

"Don't start." Alice mumbles under her breath.

"Someone's grouchy this morning." Her mother jokes

"I'm just tired. He was up half the night and I didn't get much sleep.

Alice reached for the boiled kettle on the stove and walked over towards the fridge, wrong placing it in there and then proceeding to put the cream into the cupboard.

"Honey, you know you just out the kettle in the refrigerator right." Karen points out leaning over the couch.

Alice narrowed her eyes at her mother, wondering she'd say something so ridiculous. Of course she'd never put the kettle into the fridge, unless she'd been running on 2 hours of sleep at most.

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