December 20 - Labor Begins

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Perfect love is the most
beautiful of all frustrations
because it is more than
one can express.

~ Charles Chaplin

Because thought is made of
the stuff that forms the
universe into definite creation
the Law is charged with the
power that we give It. No
more and no less. It responds
by correspondence. It is a
mirror and a perfect one.

~ Ernest Holmes

I was quite surprised by how my day began in 2012 when I first wrote this essay. Given the intense focus that year, an organization created an event – first, 3 Days of Love, then progressing towards the "birth" of the next 26,000 year Mayan era. Oddly, I was going to the bathroom repeatedly to purge my bowels. Forgive me for being so graphic but isn't that just like a body preparing itself to give birth ? I decided that day to go to my last yoga class before the Christmas holiday and it could not have been a more perfect choice. I felt like a midwife/participant but it was my yoga instructor who really made the perfect midwife for me during that hour. Relaxing into it, focusing on the breath, moving the body, gently undulating, stretching, moving some more. I felt myself more stable and centered at the end of class and I thanked my teacher for the preparations and left.

The rest of my day was coping with tiredness. Our birthing time rarely comes upon us with complete expectation. It sort of sneaks up on us and then bam there we are in the middle of it with no turning back. So getting the preparations out of the way and getting as much as possible done now for the big work of transition was still ahead. That was the order of my own day at the beginning of all this. While the second stage of labor is called pushing, I was uncertain at that point about what it would be like in the context of a "spiritual (2012) Birth". Sometimes early labor can be painful. That year, some emotional relationship "stuff" that had been coming up seemed the root of my own "labor pains". So though it can be difficult to project a human birth experience upon an event meant to acknowledge a "special" or "significant" year, the prevailing strategy that first day of the "2012 Birth" event was to stay in LOVE as much as possible.

This birth was intended to happen as a global planetary experience. Some of the preparations during that day were information based – all about the "big project to help life change" derived from the vision of humanity's globally symbolic "mom" for that event – Barbara Marx Hubbard. There were films made available to help us pass the long hours of waiting. Titles like "The Shift of the Ages", "Mayan Renaissance" and "Choice Point". Each of us believed that we were choosing to be conscious co-creators by taking an active and participatory role in the birthing of whatever will come next for all of us. The results will become more apparent as the "new Gaia child" grows or matures throughout the coming years. That process was envisioned as celebrating that first birthday, that second birthday, that fifth birthday . . . like all expectant parents we were, all of us, already beginning to imagine what that child we were imagining was actually going to turn out to BE.

Honestly, in our enthusiasm for the concept, we were really getting ahead of ourselves. However, staying in the present moment of NOW isn't always easy, even without the heady expectations we had in those days. Those of us involved were ready and eager to get to the point of the birth itself but then given the extended "event" we had to remind ourselves to enjoy "the process" of doing whatever it was that we were actually doing collectively by acting as though it was all true. So, as we all awaited "the moment", I tried to remember that another similar "birth" of this magnitude for these reasons won't happen again for another 26,000 years. That is taking a long-view perspective regarding human evolution !! The stage of our labor that day was still "easy", it didn't really require a lot of attention from any of us. We were only choosing to be in that state of Love continuously that we might be the impulse, the energy, that would actually be "doing the work" – just like the contractions that human moms experience during the birthing process. At the time, we believed it was important to remember that the Divine was what was doing the actual work. We were spiritually holding the frequency, the conceptual qualities, by our intentional resonance.

As one who signed up to be an "official midwife" for this event, I logged my geographical location into the Gaiafield Project's global map. As I looked at this map, I could see a little heart indicating my location. It is lonely here in the Midwest (fly-over country as some people refer to it). I could see a LOT of empty space around me on that map. Happily, there were lots of glowing lights along the east coast of the US. Yet there was nothing but little ole me in that geographical space between Missouri and the east coast and nothing all the way to Texas. Some of the other "midwives" were showing "active" in Mexico (I mentally sent a "thank you" to all that is good for mi hermanas y hermanos there). There was nothing to the north until close to the Great Lakes and nothing west until the coastline there, where there were some lights showing up in the Oregon/Washington area and some in California as well.

These feelings and experiences were recorded for the most part "real time" that year of 2012. I am editing it to post it here now in 2019. That is why you are reading it in the past tense. I try to remember how it felt then but it is fading. I am grateful I recorded it in words at the time. We really did feel like we were on the cusp of something big but we really didn't know what we might "get" out of that effort some day by pursuing such an effort at a non-physical level. What we knew was that there were many of us who felt compelled in our hearts to participate. In 2012, I was focused on allowing that inner world of the Heart Divine to emerge through me and out into the world. I knew myself as someone who was open to the possibility that what we were doing was actually something that did matter. The sacred voice within from the Divine at the core of my being whispered reassuring words to me at the time – "all is well, the birth is perfectly on track, do not fear for we are with you". At that point in the "labor" there was nothing more to do except cooperate and surrender to our chosen "process".

~ perspective

I am open, receptive and available
to do the work of the Divine in
co-creating the conscious evolution
of humanity moving into the new era.
LOVE leads the way and I allow it
to show me how much love there is
in my world.
I know that the Love of Source is
perfect and the unfolding law of
creation is also perfect.
I love my neighbors as myself and
tolerate any messiness in their
humanness just as I wish my own
humanness to be tolerated as well.
I love Life and Life loves me back –
I know this is true for all beings,
whether they are aware that this
time is special and whether or
not they are able to love life.

#breath #cycles #event #expectations #global #pain #relaxation #surprises #tiredness #transition 

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