March 14 - Never Wrong

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God enters by a private
door into each individual.

~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

My Love is complete within
me. The Love of God binds
me to Itself, and will not
let me go.

~ Ernest Holmes

No matter what we choose to do, we can never do it wrong. We serve Spirit and Life by whatever we do. This is not to say that we are absolved of personal responsibility, for we are not. We cannot take the idea of "never doing wrong" and take that to mean that we can cheat others, steal or kill, and not suffer consequences. The Law of Cause and Effect will take care of that perfectly in all the ways the Ernest Holmes has repeatedly described that. When we do such harms intentionally, it also means that we are aware at some level, to some degree, that we should not do these things to other people or to Life itself. To the degree that we are unaware of such, are ignorant of doing wrong, truly ignorant, as in someone we perceive as mentally deficient, then we don't do a wrong by doing whatever we do. It seems like quite the paradox, doesn't it ?

There is a point that we can reach where we are consciously aware of this wholeness in expression. If we choose to cooperate with it we will experience a greater ease in living. Some call this wholeness Spirit or Source or Oneness or God. It matters not what we choose to call it. The quality of our awareness does matter but not to It. It matters to us and affects whether we suffer in living a Life or whether we can see things as temporary manifestations, whether we can be aware that everything is always changing and unpleasant circumstances cannot possibly go on "forever", even though sometimes it may seem like they do.

I think it is helpful to be willing to cooperate with Life. I think it is heartwarming to feel a connection to something larger than our individualized, subjective impressions from being embodied. Yet to that more expansive perception, it matters not what we choose. As It, we can never do it wrong. It knows what we will think, how we will react, what we will do – whether we are aware of It or not. It is us, individualized but more than we are. We have free will but our free will is Its desire in expression. There is no contradiction in that. We make things problems for our own selves. We experience confusion when we question reality. We misinterpret other people and circumstances more often than we might like to know.

We can learn to dance with Spirit. We can relax when we realize that we are actually in the embrace of It's love. When we consciously cooperate with the unfolding of Life that is Spirit expressing, we can discover within ourselves a greater ability to meet challenges, a deeper joy in overcoming or in recognizing our blessings, and we can live in an expectation that everything always turns out for the best, once it is all said and done and a particular circumstance reaches that point that we realize as "completion". In just recognizing these things, our very livingness takes on definite "purpose". There is meaning to our incarnation and to our continuing to continue on.

We have the good fortune to be allowed to take whichever path appeals to us. It is sad when someone feels they must take the path someone else has chosen for them but in that experience there is still the opportunity to learn and grow and perhaps even eventually make the choice from one's own heartfelt yearnings. We are allowed to say yes or no to whatever. We make the choices and decisions that are like deciding to turn right or to continue on a path we are already traveling upon or to stop and change direction in a way that dismisses that path altogether. It really doesn't matter, Spirit accepts our choices as perfect regardless of what they look like to our own self or even to the others in our life that are important to us. Whatever we do is what Spirit is doing, through us, as us, for us but also for It's own purposes.

So there exists the deepest kind of harmony when we can see our lives unfolding with these kinds of perspectives and in that harmony we experience a significant reduction of stress. We can notice divine guidance and we can allow Life to lead us naturally without feeling victimized. We can know that we already know the right choice to make in any given situation and trust that it is the right choice. We can "fight" against reality and try to control the un-controllable (at least that which is uncontrollable by our "little" selves). It is all part of the experience that we are all having at this moment – an experience of being human. We already are human and if we could but know this as well that we are also already that individualized expression of that larger Oneness. What is, is never wrong and it can't possibly be wrong but we can choose to believe it is "wrong" or "correct". Both are only beliefs and a belief is a choice after all.

~ perspective

I am grateful to have an
intimate and personal relationship
with my Source.
I know a sacred beauty within
that heals all circumstances and
makes good out of every thing
that seems troubling at first glance.
I understand the value of
unconditional love and through
my sacred relationship I know
that it is not possible for that
to turn away from or against me.
The quality that I am expressing
from is the quality that I will
experience as reality.
I know that where my attention
goes energy flows and so I focus
on those interpretations that I
prefer to experience so as to
allow these to color my life's
unfolding in resonance.

#awareness #challenges #change #fear #intention #manifestation #paradox #purpose #responsibility #stress 

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