December 21 - Waves of Unity Wash Over Us

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How strange that the nature of
life is change, yet the nature
of human beings is to resist change.
And how ironic that the difficult
times we fear might ruin us are
the very ones that can break us
open and help us blossom into who
we were meant to be.

~ Elizabeth Lesser
Broken Open:
How Difficult Times Can Help Us Grow

It has taken humanity thousands
of years to learn that it has the
power to control its own destiny.

~ Ernest Holmes

The year is 2012 as I first write this essay and it seems as though the whole planet has joined hands. We feel ourselves holding sacred space as we approach the end of a very long cycle because 26,000 years is a long time. This date was identified by some indigenous cultures as marking a transition. Today is also the still point of Solstice when a return of light (or darkness in the southern hemisphere) begins or a new beginning sets the tone for the next 6 months. I wrote a little "love" letter to my fellow planetary beings to mark the occasion in 2012 –

Dear Siblings of Gaia,

Before we finally arrived at this point it felt so very huge and really beyond imagining as we wondered – what was this moment going to be like ? Now at last, we can breathe again as Earth continues just as we really did know that she would. I think that tonight when I go outside in the cold half-moon light I want to caress this little birth and sense this new Earth still in its dark womb. Because to me the planet is a living thing – the planet has always harbored me in its bosom like a mother.

In these days and nights of bridging over from the old to the new there have been times when the energies felt intense or almost like a struggle of some kind. I want this special moment to be like "O Holy Night". I want the stars to be softly streaming. Yet some storms of heart and soul continue to wash over me. Enough of wild imaginings and hopes I say. It is enough to be here. I am willing to work through all my stuff just as humans have always had to do. Tomorrow when this long awaited birth comes – finally – I can truly say that "I survived it !"

It is easy to feel that everything will be do-able now. I've been saying in greetings to casual acquaintances – 2013 is going to be a good year. I really feel this and I want to know this and find that it is not just some platitude that I'm saying for the sake of pleasant seasonal expectations.

Let this be known forever as: Birth 2012 and never forgotten. May it bring a world that works for every one that is a child of Gaia.

In Love,
with Life –

Waves of Unity were conceived as beginning at noon US Pacific time. Then more waves rippling all across the globe – at 2pm, at 4pm 700 drummers centered from Mexico joined in, at 6pm, at 8 pm and at 10:30 pm one billion OMs centered from India joined in too. Waves and waves like unending energetic contractions to bring in the new birth. Relentless waves the way it is when birth is coming. I knew then, that at some level within myself, it was going to be that same kind of relief. The hard work of this 2012 year would finally be over. Deep breaths are coming freely now and still prolonged spaces between breaths.

Back in 2012, I paused while writing this essay to go out for my evening hike. It was already dark but . . . a great light shone. With only the bare branches of winter the light of a half-moon easily reaches the ground. There is a bright star in the east that I am told is Jupiter. I was unprepared for the exhilarating effect of getting outdoors coupled with the music I chose. My kids were amped up on Christmas expectations back then in 2012 and it was so intense that it was almost too much for my sensitive nature. Maybe, they were also feeling the planetary energy of high expectations as well. I took the Sarah McLachlan "Wintersong" cd with me that day. I skipped to song # 2 – "What Child is This ?" (Greensleeves) and immediately felt myself zoomed into an ecstasy I wasn't anticipating. Then when I got to song # 7 "The First Noel/Mary Mary" I just put it on a repeating loop all the way home. I was singing loudly Noel like a woman yelling out in childbirth.

This is the high mountain bliss. I could feel it and I sense that "we" have been triumphant somehow. At the time, I felt blown away by what felt like the rebirth of LOVE in this really big way. This is what it was like for me – real time – to be there at that moment in 2012. I'm glad I recorded it "real time". It was a special moment of personally feeling in tune with the Divine Essence as it is incarnated in my human body. I can't quite remember the feeling with the intensity I experienced then – now in 2019.  The change has not exactly been as we expected it to be.

~ perspective

I was born into life at this time for
this experience known as 2012 -
thanking goodness it was so.
I felt the presence of Angels and
heavenly guides and knew they were
there and felt at the time that
they were joyful and the witnesses
of that moment in human evolution.
Let all loving hearts enthrone this
bliss ongoing and let LOVE be raised
on high from voices everywhere.
It was a good, cold winter's night
then in 2012 and it felt quite
deep with the long dark that is
a perfect womb.
Fully reverent do I know in my self
that we are all of one accord and
praises do I sing to creation.

#cycles #energy #heart #intensity #light #mother #relief #Solstice #triumph #unity   

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