October 29 - How to Uncover Health

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The doctor of the future
will no longer treat the human
frame with drugs, but rather
will cure and prevent disease
with nutrition.

~ Thomas Edison

There is an essence of
Perfection at the center of
everything, including the
physical body. If that which
is whole within itself were not
already here, neither medicine,
psychology, nor affirmative
prayer could in any way benefit
us physically.

~ Ernest Holmes

A few years ago, something as simple as a series of lab values came close to sending me down a path which I did not wish to go down. It turned out that these values had been caused by the consumption of poor choices for breakfast (a bottle of cold, heavily sweetened coffee and a package of mini-donuts) on my 2 hour drive to the doctor's office. That much sugar and caffeine stimulated my heart so that it was racing as the doctor's staff took my blood pressure. Not surprising, it was unacceptably high (and I've discovered that I now experience a temporary anxiety about these doctor's visits as I am feeling that they are dangerous for me and it has a name "white coat hypertension"). So before leaving my appointment that day they tested my cholesterol (despite my protests that I wasn't fasting) and I left there in a state of shocked despair due to receiving prescriptions for an ACE Inhibitor for the blood pressure and a Statin for the cholesterol (even though the doctor did not yet have any lab test results).

Now I do realize that there are a set of metabolic disorders that I am genetically vulnerable to thanks to my parents. I've known pretty much about these health factors all of my life and my complicated biology was not helped when my thyroid went hyperactive at the young age of 19 and most of my gland was surgically removed. I have always believed that knowing so early in life about these serious risk factors has allowed me to live my life from a proactive stance assuring that I would be mindful (okay, I'll admit at least most of the time) about my blood sugars, my weight and my exercise requirements. With some encouragement from my husband to go slow in accepting these medications and something within me definitely resisting such a huge voluntary change in my biology, I found it necessary to carefully consider whether I actually needed these long-term serious medications.

So I started researching the medications and everything I was learning about them was seriously troubling me. My parents had been on these same medications "for years" as my mother confirmed. They did not prevent her from undergoing multiple, surgically invasive heart procedures (in Sept 2015, I lost my mother to a massive heart attack, only one month after having been taken to the emergency room and subsequently given a cardiac stress test which cleared her for outpatient surgery, that she did not live long enough to receive). Both of my parents had been diagnosed as having early dementia. My mom died at age 78, my dad died 4 months after her at age 80. Before he died, my father hardly ever got up out of his recliner and his legs appeared to me to have atrophied from lack of use. I believe these medications affect muscle strength. Researching them has confirmed that is a common side effect of Statins (a widely prescribed drug) that the US FDA has even issued warnings about such side effects officially. Back in the day, I did try to inform my mom about what I had learned about these medications but it fell on deaf ears. Yet for my own self I know at that time I was at a pivotal moment in my own life.

In response I began to test my blood pressure at home and it has proven to me that I do not have a chronic condition. When I check my blood pressure it is NEVER high, only varying a bit higher from normal after strenuous exercise or emotional stimulation. Therefore I have convinced my own self that I do not need to be taking a drug for high blood pressure. When confronted with my refusal to take these medications, my previous internist tried at first to argue his more educated and therefore superior point of view with me. I became aware that he has fallen prey to a concept of medicine that practices by prescribing pharmaceutical drugs. Even though in the face of my refusal I sensed in him a growing humility and he did consider whether he had erred in my case after I insisted on having my cholesterol panel re-tested from a fasting state and did receive results that those values were ALL in the normal range, I did change doctors.  Even after a coronary calcium artery scan and lower cholesterol readings from a persistent diet to reduce my weight and blood sugars, my new internist continues to suggest I take a Statin.  One wonders about the influence of the pharmaceutical industry which I no longer trust to be putting patients above profits.

Ernest Holmes acknowledges the reality of physical problems – "When we speak of physical perfection, we are not saying that no one is sick or no one has pain." As Bruce Lipton has discovered and is teaching at this time there is a blueprint of perfection from which we were originally created and which resides at the center of our physical body. This blueprint responds to the external signals from our environment (including any negative thoughts that we have which are truly eating at us) creating for us daily new conditions in the physical body. These can be healthy conditions or impaired conditions. We have more choice in regard to such aspects of our physical body than many of us believe. We have the choice to live what we deeply know within is a healthier lifestyle.

Ernest Holmes goes on to note that "For whatever the medication or manipulation or emotional adjustment or prayer of affirmation may do, it does not and cannot create life; it may only reveal it. This is what every physician and surgeon knows, every intelligent psychiatrist accepts, and you and I affirm. This is what we mean when we say that every organ, action, and function of our physical body is rooted in a Divine Life." He goes on to say "Believing as we do in ALL of the healing arts that help mankind, we definitely affirm that toward which they and we all reach – the spiritual center of things."

~ perspective

I focus on the ideas that
are right for my individual
body's needs.
I consider all forms of
treatment including lifestyle
and belief modifications in
pursuing a higher quality of
life for my own self which
is my heartfelt desire.
I am grateful for all of the
advances in medicine that
make it possible for people
to heal from or at least
receive relief from many of
the manifestations of disease.
I take personal responsibility
for my own health.
I honor the body that houses
my spirit for the miraculous
instrument that it truly is.

#biology #choice #cholesterol #death #emotion #genetics #health #nutrition #spirituality #wholeness

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