November 30 - Out Of Sync ?

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So what is discord
at one level of your
being is harmony at
another level.

~ Alan Watts

The Presence of That
which is perfect is within
me, in every function, in
every organ, every attribute
and every atom. In each
cell, there vibrates the
perfect Divine Wholeness.
And this comprehension,
this application to myself,
this knowingness, reveals me
to myself and heals the
apparent confusion and

~ Ernest Holmes

Sometimes within my little family I get the sense that I am out of sync with the rest of them. Of course I have a very different perspective and so that is not surprising. Still I value harmony and when I am clearly out of sync it is uncomfortable for me. Often I just wait it out and try not to rock the boat too much. It is an awareness that I don't even believe the others in my household have any inkling of.

When I first connected with Mie (my name for my higher self or soul) I became aware of a "difference". It was highly personal and like an overlay upon the usual reality. My perspective wasn't evident to the others around me. I had a new knowledge of meanings that had not been apparent before. It is like the words had been there all along but the understanding had not been there and once "awakened" it was like looking at everything around me with new eyes and it was quite novel for awhile and exciting and happy.

I was thinking during my hike in the forest yesterday that I don't agree that God wants us to love It or even be aware of It. I believe that all of that is simply a personal choice. I guess part of my reason for thinking about it was that I was ordering these marvelous fruitcakes from the Assumption Abbey in Ava Missouri where the fruit has been marinaded in Burgundy and the cooked cake injected with Rum. They are concocted by these 8 Trappist Monks living on 3,400 acres of rugged terrain in Missouri. That is a lot of space !! Their day begins at 3am – they pray for several hours; and then 5 days a week they bake these Old English style fruitcakes beginning their seasonal cooking cycle in February.

What caught my attention was in describing their life there, having abandoned many of the usual modern possessions and committing themselves to study, contemplation and work, devoted to a love of God and "thy neighbor", they describe what they are doing as being "for the sake of all our brothers and sisters in the world". I was thinking that maybe those who choose such a monastic lifestyle are a kind of frequency holders. Perhaps they are the foundational thread for spirituality to express in the physical world. I believe that is part of the "work" that my being here in rural forested wilderness – living where I am and living the style of life that I do, and believing the ways that I believe and being constantly linked to my Source – these are all a part of the special conditions and purposes for my own incarnation.

Still sometimes I seem out of sync with "my own world". What I seek to accomplish in my own practices is to realign by awareness and intention with that Infinite Peace which knows only a wholeness and perfection within the manifest reality. This is the larger picture beyond my personal awareness. There is a depth to beingness in this way. There is a completeness in being ever connected to the Divine Self, the spiritual me (or Mie). I made that choice to intentionally allow that Divine connection to guide this life. I now know that my Divine Self is never separate, has never been separated, from my structured "ego" self. I also realize that human willingness is the only avenue for Universal Self to express fully in the world of form and be made manifest in that reality.

By remembering that I have expanded my perspective to include an understanding of these aspects of my Being, I know then that I am surrounded by a Divine and harmonious activity. That Presence can always bring me back into alignment with any circumstance or situation that I am physically present in, even if that realignment process takes a bit of patience for all the adjustments to settle in. Sometimes it feels as though everything and everyone else around me adjusts; while I seem to be in a centered, un-moving state for a brief while. It is not that I have done anything directly to the external factors – it is simply like watching a pot and waiting for it to boil, so that one can add the pasta to it. It will happen eventually if one has developed the perspective and faithful trust that it will and does not abandon the outcome before it is ripe.

~ perspective

Harmony and discord are actually
personal, subjective interpretations
of a wholeness in reality.
Simply by intending to be "in harmony"
with all that surrounds me, and allowing
the Divine to do It's work of perfecting
all that concerns me in a short while
I discover that harmony has returned.
Harmony in music often depends upon
a foray into discord which is followed
by a return to harmony.
In my personal experience by investigating
that interesting tension between harmony
and discord I can allow changes to occur
through which growth is accomplished.
Look for "needs" at variance when discord
seems the rule and in examining that
possibility a commonality may be discovered
that brings a win-win to the circumstances.

#adjustment #alignment #awareness #choice #faith #harmony #patience #peace #reality #trust 

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