October 24 - Just Saying "No" To Eternal Sameness

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Immortal mortals,
mortal immortals,
one living the others
death and dying
the others life.

~ Heraclitus

Since each soul is some
part of the Whole, it is
impossible that any soul
can be lost. ... a true
realization of the immortality
and continuity of the
individual soul, will rob our
grief of hopelessness.

~ Ernest Holmes

I will admit it, some of the "finer" points of the whole Ascension idea and the truer aspects of a possible Shift for the year 2012 actually troubled me at the time. One night, an interesting SciFi video from 1974 came my way titled "Zardoz". Zardoz is a very large stone head that is capable to delivering Divine edicts, giving objects, receiving foodstuffs grown by primitives and flying through space as well as piercing through dimensional boundaries. The stone head is part of a clever plan and invention by a magician who is a member of an evolved species of human that has become immortal and lives in a self-protective field in what appears to be a harmonious and idyllic situation. There are no children, there is no death, there is no want but it is not as perfect as it might at first appear.

For some time now, I've been reflecting on some fairly "large" questions related to our human existence and the situation on the planet at this time. The "big" one is this – How do we end war and violence and disparity without over consuming natural resources due to over population ? Regardless of population pressures, I don't want and can't imagine a world without children. There was a Star Trek movie titled Insurrection that explores some of the issues around concepts of "eternal life". The people of the village are peaceful and gentle, technologically advanced but opting instead to live in harmony with nature. In this lifestyle respect and in the longevity of their lives, the Eternals of Zardoz and the Ba'ku villagers of the Star Trek movie Insurrection are similar.

Some of the beliefs and expectations related to the 2012 topics of Ascension and "the Shift" seemed at the time to indicate a trajectory towards immortality, an end to reincarnation and a world of perfect health where all one's needs are met. These concepts troubled my heart and not a little bit I must admit. These two conceptual "entertainment" offerings highlight some of the "reasons" why my own heart's mind felt troubled by such idealistic predictions. At times, I sense alien or multidimensional entities behind the emergence of such concepts but I can't help but wonder at their motivations and whether such a trajectory is actually "good" for humanity.

I am troubled by any concept that suggests that I must "leave some of the people I love the most behind for the sake of my own evolution" simply because their consciousness has not yet awakened to a high enough dimensional level. I am troubled by such concepts even if they come with reassurances that these loved ones of mine will still continue to develop – albeit separated from the more "evolved" persons. I am troubled by this even when told that they will also have an opportunity to "ascend" once their development path completes itself. There is a kind of "superior" arrogance in all of this that truly troubles my own heart. I prefer to take my lead from Guanyin the bodhisattva that represents compassion, embodies unconditional love and champions those in need. I would rather be left behind than leave anyone else behind.

When I consider the seasons and cycles of life, I see a kind of beauty in these. I don't mind that incarnated physical life ends with death. Babies are totally awesome creatures. There is comfort in my own heart that such a plan allows for growth and change, not only in individual people but in the societies and civilizations of our planet. It is true that there is much that we do see that troubles us about the current state of affairs on our planet. Too many people starve or have an inadequate or poor quality of life's most basic needs. Too many people suffer cruelty in one form or another. There is too much emphasis on accumulating and consuming not enough on quality and savoring.

I am grateful that the fate of the world is not only about my own choices and decisions. I cannot fathom my way to any "solutions" for the worst and most vexing issues. I deeply and sincerely "want" a world that works for "everyone" but how to have that and have that in balance with resources I simply have no answer for. In a moment full of despair and frustration at not being able to see perfectly how everything could still be perfect exactly as it is, I am at least grateful to "believe in" something that is omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient because the big picture is so very complicated that only such an Intelligence can guide us into a better world. Somehow I do believe that the "collective" of intelligence including "kinds of" intelligence that I find it difficult to truly wrap my own brain around does seem to be guiding evolutionary progress. It is in this assurance that I find something that I can depend upon with faith and trust that all is well.

~ perspective

I believe that my soul's
existence is eternal, divinely
created and full of infinite
I am grateful that my belief
is not limited to man-made
constructs but allows for a
larger reality of Divine
Intelligence to guide Life's
I take comfort in the
changing of seasons and
Life's cycles.
I am content with a natural
order of physically manifest
I am willing and grateful to
put my trust in a perfection
I can't entirely "know".

#arrogance #beauty #beliefs #change #compassion #death #evolution #growth #idealism #trust

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