February 4 - Sufficiency

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I think I am learning to ask
enough for the moment –
not for the whole year, utterly
veiled in mystery; not even for
the week, the month ahead;
but just for today.

~ Faith Baldwin,
Many Windows, Seasons of the Heart

My Creator has blessed me with
a Universe teeming with abundance,
and I appreciate it ! I stand
in the midst of this abundance,
using some of it, circulating all
of it, thrilled to be a part of it.

~ Ernest Holmes

For too long our global economies have been built on more and more consumption. But thoughtful people know that runaway collective indebtedness and throw-away mentality are a burden on our planet. Those in fortunate countries know that those in emerging countries can not follow our example. That will not prove a sustainable behavior. Even those of us who have had it easy for so long should change some of our entitled perceptions. Certainly the basic needs for sufficient and healthy food, enough clean water, clothes and shelter should be a given for every one of Gaia's children.

What is enough ? How much do we really "need" ? The practice of Feng Shui means "concentrating on the essential; not burdening oneself with bad habits; letting stubborn energies flow." In order to know what is enough we need to free ourselves from a dogma of "growth". Limited natural resources should be honored and not squandered. There is a huge potential in concepts of saving and strategic buying. Concepts like seeking to consume less, prioritize products for longevity and the reuse of objects that still have usefulness remaining should be encouraged.

In conventional agricultural circles, food sufficiency is a hot topic but generally it is focused on genetic modification and high yields. I would prefer to see the perspective where "locally based, yet highly productive" ventures create employment with environmentally sensitive farming practices. Personally, I have had concerns about maintaining biodiversity and using water in conservative ways. In Thailand, there is an official philosophy of having a sufficiency economy. Their king has been promoting a more self-reliant people and sustainable farming since the 1950s. This philosophy is seen as supporting the dignity of all people in his country. Some of the values promoted are moderation, prudence, knowledge, intelligence, perseverance and virtue to enhance the overall happiness of his people.

Is greed a good thing ? I think not. I've always had enough and usually more than enough. Not all people are as fortunate. Does it feel fair knowing that some have so much more than they can really use or even need ? Do they actually make the world a better place ? Does their wealth do more good because they have concentrated it ? I don't think having sufficiency is a bad thing. I don't even believe that having more than enough is a bad thing. But at some point I believe that having way too much and hoarding it – that isn't a good thing for our planet or for the majority of the people living on this planet. There is a middle way.

It's all relative of course. But I think the balance could be better. The balance could be more equitable. The global economy cannot continue to operate as if there is never enough and never too much. In a State of the Union speech during  President Obama's term, he stopped short of highlighting inequality even though the statistics point to worrisome trends. He preferred to focus on opportunity but if the opportunity is simply designed to encourage and support more and more consumption, I think it is the wrong focus to have trending into our planet's (and the people who inhabit that) future.

I like the thought of focusing on sufficiency. Modern society should be putting a priority on the material security of its citizens and the ecological integrity of its resource base. Humanity has been as successful as we have been because our species is highly adaptive. Sufficiency is not about denial, not about sacrifice and not about doing without. Sufficiency is about doing well even when there are constraints caused by resource depletion and overconsumption. I do not know of any human endeavor that would not benefit from taking this perspective of sufficiency to heart.

~ perspective

I know that I am enough which
guides me to sufficiency and is
the context that I live my life by
in knowing that I am provided for
and supported by Life itself.
It is possible to know that
one actually has enough and has
done enough and that one doesn't
need to do more.
It is enough for me to have a
safe place to wander through
the forest and a sky without
artificial lights hiding the stars
from my gaze.
If I yet breathe and my heart
beats, it is enough to know that
I am yet alive.
I care about the depths of being
and not about having power over
others and I don't need a romantic
partner to complete me because
I am whole already.

#balance #biodiversity #conservation #consumption #dignity #greed #happiness #integrity #opportunity #sustainability 

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