December 7 - Crystal Clear Clarity

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The more of me I be,
the clearer I can see.

~ Rachel Andrews

You are more than you appear
to be – Life is greater than
you have ever known it –
the best is yet to come.

~ Ernest Holmes

What has my being upon a pathway of spiritual development brought into my life anyway ? It has brought a confidence that I know what I know. It has brought a clarity of mind that is present even if I am congested in my respiratory system. It has brought the clarity that I am still in a state of well-being even in the midst of illness or even if my bank account seems constrained and short on funds. I know that I will continue to have what I need when I need it but if other people are also feeling the effects of a widespread collective infection or an appearance of overall lack regarding the larger economic picture then I am not without understanding or compassion about how that might feel to another person. I feel myself called upon to know for all of us the temporary nature of any such appearances.

I believe in the value of gratitude. That gratitude of Spirit within me brings all the fullness of a physically manifested life beautifully into my own experience. What I have come to understand has the ability to turn me time and again back to acceptance, return order when chaos seems to be ruling and ends all confusion within me about the nature of reality. Gratitude helps bring a meaning to all that has happened to me in the past and brings me peace in the current moment. Before I started down a pathway of spiritual living I used to spend a lot of time in envy and jealousy. Back then, I was unable to be happy for someone else's good fortune. I reacted from a negative perspective to what people said or did to me. My life had no direction of my own but was reactively controlled by the whims of society, family and friends.

I know today that the plan for my Life that Spirit has in mind for me and that my Soul did agree to will happen in spite of whatever the little ego created by this world's ways, impacts, designs and intentions does believe that It has in mind for this self named Deborah. I believe that it will happen FOR me and that whatever happens will always be for my highest good. The truth is that I have to be satisfied with myself. I can't count on the approval and acceptance of other people because the reality is that sooner or later I will have to continue living without almost everyone I ever knew, especially if I am successful enough to live until a very old age. Therefore since I am who I have to live with, I need to love and appreciate the me that I am and accept that I have always done my best within the circumstances that I have found myself in.

I know that I need not be buffeted about by the highs and lows of euphoria and despair. I know how to remain unattached whether the manifestation is good or bad since it is not permanent. I can flow with the changes around me. I am the calm center at the eye of the storm which simply is ongoing creation. My heart has been coaxed and nurtured by Spirit to open up my heart in compassion for all the people who have incarnated at this time around me. I have learned to trust deeply in that power that is at the heart and soul of me. I believe that a Divine something created Itself as my beingness and consciousness so that It could experience both an incarnated Life and those periods of time that lie between incarnations. In other words I believe in an eternality of Being. I understand to the level of my comprehension what It truly IS that animates me.

When I need to know a solution, or the answer to some question or just what it is that should be my next logical step – the spiritual practices and processes I have trained myself in help me find those answers. And whatever that "answer" is I can take that tiny baby step that is most clearly the next logical thing to do with total faith, confidence and trust that I will not be disappointed nor regret it. Experience has taught me this. For I am not swayed by what other people or the media or circumstances might be trying to tempt me to forget – as though I could ever forget my adequacy and capability to meet Life full on without fear. I even know that if there is something further that I need to learn I will accomplish that mastery.

I first wrote this in 2012. At that time, humanity was said to stand on the cusp of the next long-cycle. 25,000 years IS a very long time and no one incarnated now has an ability to truly take that long of a perspective regarding human evolution and change. There is something interesting that occurs in nature. It is that at the beginning of an event – it may appear for a very long time that nothing at all is happening. Then, there comes something that in biology circles is called an inflection point. Suddenly progress rockets forward in a frenzy of exponential growth before leveling off again in a period of relative stasis. This cycle repeats itself over and over. All manifestations go through cycles of dissolution in order to clear the way for whatever it is that is to come next. We can trust that regardless of where we actually are in our personal long-cycle – there is a Divine perspective that is able to encompass that whole 25,000 year cycle. In that belief we can know that all is well and perfect and for the good.

~ perspective

Goals give me direction while
at the same time putting a
powerful force into play on a
conscious and subconscious
level giving my Life's path
a direction to travel in.
A new long-cycle in human
evolution stands before me
like the final chapter in a
big book that will end simply
in the next chapter beginning
Gratitude is the way that I
acknowledge that I already
know that everything happens
for a reason, even if I don't
yet know what that reason is,
this perspective allows me to
be patient until the reason
is clear.
I believe that one of the
purposes I can choose for
my individual experience of
life is to be happy and
contented with whatever is
and in that way live a
perspective of well-being.
I believe that I am not
primarily a material creature
and so I do not place my
hope for happiness upon
people or things but rather
I develop within myself a
deep inner peace that I will
prove sufficient to whatever
needs show themselves to me.

#acceptance  #capability #confidence #despair #envy #fear #gratitude #reality #stasis #trust 

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