October 16 - Energetic Force

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Luke: The Force ?
Ben: Now, the Force is
what gives a Jedi his
power. It's an energy
field created by all
living things. It surrounds
us, it penetrates us, it
binds the galaxy together.

~ Conversation in Star Wars, 1977

... Life will never hurt us,
nor will it block the flow of
Life through us. Rather it
will tend to accelerate it.
But the moment ... we block
the passage of life, ... ; it
short-circuits the flow of
Energy from the roots of our
being into the things we are

~ Ernest Holmes

Last night I over-reacted to something that was carrying an energetic charge. Truly there was a need to insert a reality check upon some judgments that were based upon limited information. The problem was that I over-reacted. Because I was triggered by a deeply personal aspect and judged some comments as being more personal than they actually were, I perpetuated the energy by misjudging a situation. I still felt it was necessary to make my point of view clear so that I could release the pressure of that energy. Yet I still found that truly letting it go was difficult to do. Even hours or days later it continued to simmer in my consciousness though much more lightly. I am grateful for the expansion of my own understanding and the wisdom I gained by going through the situation and in seeking to realize its beneficial aspects. During the experience, the energy passing through my body was so physically intense that I could recognize its impacts as real and noticeable effects.

It is interesting to observe the way that energy flows. I once found myself in a highly-charged situation that could have led to a lethal action by my own self. A woman, 3 times larger than my own self, had come charging into my space in a threatening manner. She was the mother of the man I was living with at the time. I was sitting on the floor and while she was standing over me she grabbed my long, blond hair as if to pull me up by it. While she may not have been consciously aware of the danger she could have been in, I was very aware at that moment of insecurity that a hand-gun laid concealed easily within my reach.

As quick as lightening the thought of the gun's accessibility passed through my mind but I just as quickly and consciously rejected that possibility. Instantly I knew that a gun would not truly resolve that scary moment for me but that it would actually cause me to face a much larger problem going forward. Suddenly like a balloon popping the negative charge left the room. I will never forget how in that same instant the flock of chickens in the coop outside my window began fighting. The memory of that moment was so very intense that it has stayed with me in clear detail. Of greatest fascination to me was how I could definitely experience the movement and flow of a certain vibrational quality of energy in physical time/space.

In studying metaphysics, I have learned that equally real as an energetic force is the blocking power of the words or even the thought that "I can't". I can't is like a Law unto the future of some desire to act and an unshakeable feeling that one lacks the ability to do so. And make no mistake about it, it is self-fulfilling. Whatever we can imagine must on some level have a degree of possibility to it. Ernest Holmes creates an analogy of this blocking quality to the nature of a tree. He says "Suppose every time a tree thought of putting forth a new branch it would say, 'How am I going to do it ? I have only a certain number of branches. I don't know how to make a new branch, anyway'. Now just for the fun of it, let us suppose this tree is a person, and it is bemoaning its fate because it would so greatly like to have a few more branches, but it doesn't know how to make them."

Holmes goes on to say – "And thinking of the tree as a person, let us assume that every time it says, 'I don't know how to make a new branch' it is blocking off the possibility of drawing its life from the soil. If this should happen, the tree would never make any more branches; it would begin to die from that very moment." So the person who believes that they can't is actually short-circuiting the Divine Energy that could make whatever possible. It may be that the only real problem is not knowing "how to" accomplish whatever they are thinking of in that idea of "I can't do it". What they actually could realize is that they simply don't know "how" to do it. It is an entire shift in the vibrational energy and it is accomplished that easily. At such a moment one's self opens up to the flow of inspiration simply by becoming receptive to the influx of an idea regarding what might be the next logical step that they could take that would be in the direction of their desire.

What you believe is how you are. To have a better quality of life one only needs to begin to have a better opinion of their ability to meet whatever Life throws at them and know that it will always be with the perfect reaction. Learning to understand the flows of energetic force lends reality to an invisible realm of being that is never-the-less as real as our solid world. Science has proven that energy is real and has effects and does work. Confusion and uncertainty could be gently understood as an attention getting "red flag" letting us know that something is out of alignment. Always remember that the higher Forces of Life are working constructively, even when they are destroying structures to make way for something new to be built upon a better foundation.

~ perspective

I am aware of the flow of
energy occurring around me.
Though energy is an aspect of
reality, its vibrational quality
varies based upon the emotional
charge that it is carrying.
I can know that I am living in
the flow of constructive energies
by those qualities of non-resistance
and harmony which are affecting
everything else around me.
Regardless of my reaction,
whether it is Life-affirming or
Life-denying, this energy does
not end with my use of it but
continues on affecting other
people and things.
To enjoy the energies of Life,
I seek to align with creativity,
love and happiness.

#choice #confidence #creation #energy #flow #guidance #metaphysics #possibilities #release #wisdom

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