November 29 - Shortsightedness

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I bought you a gift. It's
something I've always wanted,
but I'm not quite sure you'll
like it. So if you don't want
it just tell me and I'll be happy
to keep it. After all, I'm only
interested in making you happy.

~ Jarod Kintz

The mind of man is continuously
unfolding into a greater recognition
of its real plan in the creative
order of the Universe.

~ Ernest Holmes

Sometimes we really believe that we want something. When my husband and I married we wanted very much to build a multi-million dollar, computer-aided manufacturing facility for his business. We devoted our honeymoon to writing the business plan. We worked with graduate students at the best engineering university in Missouri – Rolla. We went to many, many woodworking trade shows. We paid a lawyer to help us write up the financial provisions. We shopped the business plan around to many, many contacts that we had made during the 2 or more years we were involved in developing our plan.

I'll never forget at one such meeting with a "manufacturer" that my husband admired from previous business interactions. He looked us kindly in the eye (we had been rejected many, many times by that point) and said "these things are usually funded internally" and then, he gave us the "real" gift – not money to start building our factory but he told us how he had "manufactured" without a factory of his own using strategic alliances. It was the quantum leap that we were given the grace of receiving.

Many, many times I've been grateful not to have been saddled with the debt and worries that success in getting a factory built would have meant for the rest of our lives. As we subsequently had children (an aspect of our current marital lives that we were not even considering during our business plan days), I am grateful that we are able to be at home with our sons 24/7 thanks to supporting ourselves with a home-based business. The business supports us adequately with a minimal amount of stress. When my in-laws were dying next door to us on our farm I was also grateful we had the flexibility of working from home during hours of our own choosing and therefore could be there quickly for them whenever they needed us.

A situation that could have been viewed as a failure really wasn't a failure at all. So often we are just so very certain that there is something that we really want and ought to have and if we are inclined towards metaphysics or the law of attraction we will work very, very intentionally to bring these desires to fruition. When we don't get what we are asking for, we think the "law" has failed us, that metaphysics are just some kind of pipe dream believed in by people who smoke strange substances or ingest magic mushrooms. We may even feel naively taken in and slightly humiliated if we have made a big deal publicly due to believing in something wholeheartedly that doesn't actually happen for us.

I have learned through many such experiences and many years of hindsight that All really Is Well and that the Divine really does give me all good things and equally protects me from my own misguided longings. Yes one of the things that I am most grateful for is the grace of protection from my shortsighted desires or beliefs. Thankfully The Universe knows how to do what my Soul is really wanting for me and my Soul cannot possibly wish harm or unhappiness on the blessing that my human incarnation is for It as well.

So, currently, we have this huge hole in the ground on our farm that resembles a quarry. We have literally poured hundreds of thousands of dollars into a dream of building something there. The something went through at least 4 different manifestations (plans on paper) during the years that we were actively engaged. We "abandoned" the site in 2009. My husband considers all the money that was spent on it to be some kind of horrible mistake that he will never live long enough to rectify. Nor is he likely to change his perspective radically enough to ever think that effort was a "good thing". I'm more patient and accepting. We always did what seemed "best" under the circumstances present in each moment. We always took the next logical and "best" step that seemed to be required in each moment of NOW. I wait only for The Divine to show me what IT actually has in mind for that big hole in the ground. I've no doubt it will become something I will be grateful for. That is simply the way that it always turns out of me – given enough time to prove itself.

~ perspective

I know that Life is ever giving
of Itself and that my desires
and beliefs are the mold through
which I may receive the gifts
of my spiritual practices.
I know that sometimes it will
appear that I have stumbled
but in reality I am experiencing
the protection of the Divine
which knows my truest heart.
I have an implicit confidence in
my ability to manifest any good
thing that I desire and sometimes
I succeed only to realize how
shortsighted what I thought I
wanted actually was.
When I am seeking to manifest
some condition I remember that
every thought has a consequence
and every experience along the
way had a causation.
I realize that the things that I do
manifest were manifested by what
I am mentally within and I can
always look at the outcome and
know a lot about my true nature
in this physical expression.

#alliances #caregiving #children #death #debt #failure #flexibility #grace #protection #strategy  

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