January 16 - Communication

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Non-Violent Communication requires us
to be continually conscious of the
beauty within ourselves and other people.

~ Marshall Rosenberg

All great men have learned to do this.
Every person, within his own soul, is
in direct communication with the
Infinite Understanding.

~ Ernest Holmes,
Creative Mind & Success, 1919

It does seem to me sometimes that I understand "communication" a bit differently than most people do. I do not believe that words have exact meanings but that they are interpreted within our innermost self in a subjective way that serves the growth and development of our soul. Although many people are quite intent on being "precise" with their language and insist that something means precisely what they interpret it to mean and often refer to sources of expertise such as dictionaries to affirm that their interpretation is correct, my methods of interpretation often seem to be non-ordinary but useful.

At some point in time I became aware of a different type of communication always going on in the space between the surface meanings that most people hear and absorb information from. This is interpreted intuitively by me and I do not argue with such interpretations because they have proven themselves to me to appear to be mostly correct. However any intuitive communication requires some degree of discernment, lots of freedom to accept or reject a particular interpretation, a strong exercise of free will if urgency or demands are indicated and lots of open and vulnerable receptivity to apprehend any of this in the first place.

People are often driven to mental dysfunction when they first become aware of such communications going on in the background of the surface world. If we are not clear and clean in our beliefs and understandings, these can color our interpretations in dangerous or damaging ways. My first experiences were of that type and my solution was to "close the door" and return to surface language that was more easily interpreted as to its meanings. Time passed but eventually my own spiritual development began to progress again and it became necessary for me to create a more mature acceptance and consideration of such possibilities. I was reassured by coming into contact with quality "channelers" like Abraham-Hicks and others of their type. I learned to interpret the usefulness of any "communication" by its appropriateness to my own self personally.

I have often found very young children and those most people would define as mentally unstable to be good channels for Spirit to transmit information to me. Not that these channels are aware of the value or meaning of the information they transmit in the ways that are meaningful to me personally. There are others who are attuned to inner communications that have brought me useful messages including simple heartfelt acknowledgments from my dear mother-in-law after she passed. Two were actually fully and consciously aware of who the messages were for and why. One was simply being herself and sharing her own heartfelt feelings about the passing of my mother-in-law and yet her message aligned nicely with one of the other messages from the more aware person.

I can't imagine going back to the days when I chose to completely close that door and yet I am careful about how much credibility I attach to non-obvious or "indirect" messages. It is always possible that my interpretation could be faulty or it might only be a small piece of a larger puzzle and not meaningful until the other pieces are added to it. That is why "patterns" of similar kinds of awareness or information fascinate me so much. I was reminded recently of the value of being open to any source of information, even information that on the surface doesn't make sense and perhaps especially those bits that seem so far off the mark as to elicit a "huh?" from me. Later after some additional information of this type it became clear to my heart what its meaning was. I would not have thought to go carefully in a particular direction but now do feel warned to stay in curiosity regarding this one and not feel that it is necessary to personally seek that experience.

We should not allow fear to drive such decisions. It is often worthwhile to risk the uncertain. And sometimes it will divert us. In my case the more recent situation warns me that a particular experience is unnecessary for my own intentions at this time and that it could take me off track or even send me in a new direction not aligned with my desires. Not that the new direction would be necessarily "wrong" or harmful per se. It is personal discernment that makes all of the difference between quality and useful and garbage. The timing and the relevancy of this particular understanding did feel useful at this particular time. I always allow that what I intend in communicating anything may not be what someone else receives or needs to receive. It is all good – regardless.

~ perspective

The only thing that is necessary is for me
to be open and receptive to the divine
activity of Spirit's communications with me
which are ongoing.
I trust the "divine orchestrator" of ALL Life
to create new avenues of expression for me
and to make these known to me in a language
that I can understand clearly.
There is a "divine knower" within me that
knows what to do, when to do it and how to
do it in every situation.
I seek alignment with harmony, peace, love
and right action that the interpretations that
I make from the information I receive will
reflect those qualities.
I allow my expressions to be aligned with
something bigger and greater than the
repetitive or programmed thoughts that
swirl around in my head every day.

#channeling #discernment #fear #interpretation #intuition #language #meaning #messages #patterns #subjective 

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