Coffee (Roman X Virgil)

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I forgot how much I love prinxiety???

Virgil was petty, he can admit it but only when he needed to. There was a particularly cute costumer that was so complicated with his coffee. He went to Virgil's school and every day he'll come in around 4:30 and order the most extravagant cup of coffee a person could get soooooo just maybe Virgil always misspelled his name after preparing it. Virgil looked at his watch as Roman came in and set his stuff down on a table then up to the register.

"You know what I want Grande, half whole milk, one quarter 1%, one quarter non fat, extra hot, split quad shots, no foam, with whip, two packets of splendid, one sugar in the raw, a touch of vanilla syrup and a three short sprinkles of cinnamon"

Virgil rolled his eyes and wrote all of this down. Again.

"Oh yes and my name is ROMAN in case you didn't know"

"Got it"

Virgil prepared the stupid order and wrote Ramen on the cup. He smirked and placed the cup on the counter.

"Order for Ramen!"

Virgil watched the annoyance appear on Roman's face as he stood and walked to the counter.


"Roman" Roman took the coffee going back to his table working on his project. Virgil beamed with joy, and went back to reading his book waiting for the next costumer.

–––––––––––Next Day––––––––––

Virgil was surprised when he didn't see Roman in for his 4:30 coffee, but even more surprised when he came in at 8:00 disheveled and looking worn out.

"Grande, half whole milk, one quarter 1%, one quarter non fat, extra hot, split quad shots, no foam, with whip, two packets of splendid, one sugar in the raw, a touch of vanilla syrup and a three short sprinkles of cinnamon, and four shots of espresso"

"Rough day?"

"Yeah and it's Roman" The boy said with a glare.

"Got it Ramen"

Virgil seen Roman roll his eyes and go sit in his usual seat. Virgil prepared the order and for comedic purposes he just wrote Beef.

"Beef" Virgil said going to the table.

"Did you just call me beef?" Roman said looking up with annoyance.


Roman then tiredly smiled and began to laugh. Virgil was struck with awe as he watched the other laugh. He looked like a prince.

"So I presume that's the first time you smiled all day?" Virgil said setting the coffee down.

"Yeah theater had me working all night" Roman groaned sipping the coffee.

"Well I'm glad you had your smile for the day"

"Thank you for making me smile though"

"Would you like anything else besides your complicated order?" Virgil said with a slight glare.

"Anything you recommend?"

Virgil smiled brightly and Roman could've sworn he just seen the sun itself. Virgil walked off and came back with a dark looking chocolate biscuit.

"It's delicious I promise"

Roman broke off a piece of the biscuit biting into it and Virgil sworn he seen stars in Roman's eyes.

"It's so good!"

Virgil smiled and nodded.

"I have to get back to my shift, I hope you have a better day tomorrow and that's completely on the house"

Virgil walked off and back to the register picking up his co worker work.

It was near closing time and Roman was still there writing in a journal.

"Roman we're closing soon"

Roman turned around closing the journal.

"Then I'll have one more of those biscuits before I go"

Virgil nodded and went to go get fresh ones for Roman then returned seeing Roman writing on his used coffee cup leaving the money on the counter.

"Here storm"

Virgil was confused but set the cup aside giving Roman his biscuit.

"Have a good night"

Roman left and Virgil picked up the cup completely flustered when he read it.

There's something wrong with my cell phone, it doesn't have your number in it


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