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The song above doesn't belong to me. They belong to their rightful owners.

Department of Archives and Information

"Another Day, Another Pound!" Cody said as he punched in his card for the day. Never did he know that this would be the last time he punched in.

He went to his office, preparing himself for the work day. Files in his arms as he was getting his office keys from his pockets.

"Mr. Rivera," He turned to see it was the Emperor's hand.

"Mrs. Turner, what a pleasant surprise what brings you to my humble department," he said, giving her a joking smile as she gave a mocking scowl and glare at him.

"I've been sent here due to you being affiliated with a certain Dr. Zakriel Aguilar Rizal... So please answer my questions," she said as he started to sweat.

"Yes Madam," he said while she nodded.

"Are you affiliated with the revolutionary group, La-Ligal?" She asked as he looked to the side thinking of an excuse.

"No, I'm not affiliated, it's only now that I've heard of the group and any information on it is not recorded," he answered while giving him a raised eyebrow.

"You know you don't need to lie," she said while he glared at her mockingly.

"Well what do you expect? Me admitting to committing treason to the empire?" He said while she winced harshly.

"Well..." She tried to defend herself while Cody could only stare at her.

"You seriously doubt my loyalty to the Empire?" She remained silent as he could only roll his eyes and open his office.

"Guards! Could you please escort Mrs. Turner to the exit," He called out as redcoats could only push her with their muskets.

He sighs as he opened his radio. Carefully tuning it to the right frequency.

"La-Ligal is compromised, the redcoats are hot on our plans for reform!"

No response. He could feel his heart beating against his chest, waiting for a response.

"Dr. Rizal has called a meeting at the tavern by 2:30," Ken Drick's voice rang through the radio as he breathe a sigh of relief.

Governor's Office

He could only try to convince the governor not to arrest Dr. Rizal.

"La-Ligal is compromised, the redcoats are hot on our plans for reform!"

His radio crackled Cody's voice and he could only sigh. Knowing that other members are listening to the radio, he answered.

"Dr. Rizal has called a meeting at the tavern by 2:30,"

No response

"Copy that, make sure that the redcoats are not following you," Kyra's voice rang through the radio as he tuned his radio out of the frequency.

"The Ministry of Colonial Management has failed to restore peace and order after the coup at Cheapsake... Even after the American Revolution they didn't learn from their mistakes and continued with raising taxes,"

"Commissioner Winchester," he turned to see a suspicious-looking man.

"Yes can I help you with something?" He asked as the man could only give a smile.

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