Depth 83

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"Why are you doing this?" Ren asked out in frustration.

"Power that only specific people can give me." The Man answered coming into view.

"I can't help you. We can't help you." Ren stated standing up from the jail floors.

"There's two conduits that can help. The more, the better." The Man replied before leaving Ren with Leon and Casey.

Later that evening. 

Lyn became hesitant to ask but forced herself to do so with a fiery passion in her eyes,"Why did you leave USDAGO?"

All eyes looked to Raiyen as she returned everyone's looks. 

"While staying there, there was this man. I think he was an employee. He kept to himself but was always watching everyone. His sights turned towards me and I ignored him. That night I woke up in a dimly blue lit room." Raiyen started to explain calmly. 

"Do you remember what the man looked like?" Lyn asked starting to interrogate Raiyen.

When hearing Raiyen describe the room she was in Alex stood up and went into the dinning room where he could still hear the conversation. Shortly after Alan followed pursuit.

"I was connected to machines and wires. It was very draining. After that all I remember is wondering the streets." Raiyen continued to explain.

After explaining Raiyen left the living room going upstairs.

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