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Ren sat up in the seat.

"You're up!" Floyd said happily.

"Where are we?" Ren asked Floyd bewildered.

"I'm taking you to the safe place where Alex agreed to meet you." Floyd told Ren.

"Why can't you take me there? To the safe place." Ren wondered.

"Because I have other things to take care of after this." Floyd told Ren turning onto a street where there are cars and buildings around.

"Can you explain to me what's going on? My family is separated and I want to go home." Ren said in anger.

"You can't go home. It's not safe. Alex said that he would reunite you and your family. Don't you believe him?" Floyd asked me trying to keep a peaceful atmosphere.

"How can I? I just met him today." Ren told Floyd quick-tempered.

"Oh! Look, the meet up place!" Floyd said with a happy but nervous tone in his voice.

Floyd stopped the bus by parked cars and opened the bus doors.

"Alex will be here soon to get you so, don't go wondering around. Here's some money if you get hungry I was told to give you. Member don't wonder around." Floyd instructed Ren, giving Ren the money from his pants pocket.

Ren stood up from his seat and walked off the bus, turning to face Floyd.

"Don't let anyone see your money." Floyd warned Ren. "Thieves." Floyd leaned forward to Ren.

Floyd leaned back in his seat, closed the bus doors and drove off.

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