Depth 73

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Ren wondered around the halls and bumped into Casey.

"Have you seen Lacey? I haven't seen her since this morning." Ren asked concerned.

"Where's Tessa?" Casey asked blatantly.

"I'm not sure. Lets go look for her." Ren suggested.

Casey lead the way with Ren following close behind. After checking the room, the lounge area and, the halls Casey and Ren arrives at the infirmary, they enter to see Dannie at her desk.

"Hey! Here to see Tessa." Dannie asked walking to the curtains to pull them back. 

"Why is she here?" Ren asked rushing over to Tessa.

"She got hurt but she's recovering right now." Dannie told Ren. "Where's Lacey? You two are always together." Dannie asked as she noticed Lacey isn't around.

"I don't know." Ren told Dannie.

"Okay, I hope you find her." Dannie said feeling uneasy.

Casey left walking to the right. Ren looked back at Dannie before leaving. As soon as they leave Dannie calls Alex and let him know what had just transpired.

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