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"Hey, Wake up. We're here." Alex told Lacey tapping her on the shoulders.

"Ren!" Lacey shouted jumping awake. "Oh, I'm Sorry" Lacey apologized.

"It's okay. I understand. Lets go inside now." Alex said taking off his seat belt.

Lacey took off her seat belt and they both got out of the car.

"This place is huge!" Lacey said in amazement.

"Yep, It will keep you safe. Come on." Alex told Lacey walking into the building at the access of Alex in putting his password.

"Welcome!" The Lady at the front desk said greeting Lacey and Alex.

"Hello!" Lacey responded back to The Lady cheerfully.

"Hey, Raina!" Alex Replied. "We're going to see Leon." Alex told Raina.

"Go on up. He'll be waiting for you." Raina told them.

Alex and Lacey went to the elevator on the left, going up to the 6th floor. The elevator doors open. Lacey and Alex walk off the elevator, walking to the left down a hallway.

"Here's the office." Alex told Lacey gesturing for her to go first.

Lacey pushed open the opaque glass door with the help of Alex.

"Wow! This room looks cool." Lacey said astonishingly while looking around.

"I'm glad you like it. My name is Leon Hewitt." Leon introduced himself. 

"Hello, My name is Lacey Brennan. Nice to meet you." Lacey introduced herself politely.

"Nice to meet you too. This is G.A.I.L. She'll be in charge of you." Leon Informed Lacey.

"Don't you have two more to retrieve?" Leon asked Alex.

"I'll be taking my leave now." Alex said before leaving Leon and Lacey in the office together.

"Do my parents work here? May I see them? Will my brother and sister be coming here too?" Lacey asked Leon, bombarding him with questions.

"I'll answer your questions in due time so, until then go eat something. You must be hungry." Leon told Lacey.

G.A.I.L and Lacey left the office.

"Work's not over?" Raina at the front desk asked Alex.

"Not yet." Alex said walking past Raina at the front desk, leaving the building.

  Raina sighed.

"He's so hot!" Raina said excitedly.

"Give it up. He's out of your league." Illiana told Raina, sitting at the front desk beside Raina.

"I know but a girl gotta try right and he also said my name when he came in. He's voice is just so soothing and nice to listen to." Raina said to Illiana, falling head over heels for Alex.

"Girl, You need to stop." Illiana told Raina, getting back to work.

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