Depth 17

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"How will we get out of here?" Tessa asked using Alex as a crutch. 

"The front door." Alex answered looking at Tessa.

"But they will be waiting for us." Tessa said feeling uneasy of Alex's answer.

"I know." Alex said walking to the basement stairs.

"What are you thinking?" Tessa asked Alex feeling edgy.

"You're smart. You'll figure it out." Alex told Tessa.

Alex and Tessa went up the basement stairs. Alex opened the door and gunshots were fired at the basement door. Tessa jumped at the sound of being shot at.

"Do you like to go paint balling?" Alex asked out loud.

"What are you getting at?" Tessa asked Alex unsure of what's to happen next.

Alex sat Tessa down on top of the basement stairs.

"Get ready. Start!" Alex shouted.

Alex darted from behind the the basement door making a gun with his left hand.

"A gun appeared in his hand!" Tessa said stunned.

Alex shot the gunman that shot at the door in his chest. The gunman fell to the ground dead.

"This is fun! It's like a haunted house but without the scare." Alex said to himself excitedly.

Alex went back to Tessa helping her to stand up.

"Well you're scaring me." Tessa told Alex.

"Where are you?!" Gunman 2 shouted.

"I hear you but I can't see you." Alex said beginning to go down the hall.

"Stop that!" Tessa told Alex, worried that they might get caught.

Tessa and Alex walked down another hall that lead them to the kitchen. Alex and Tessa walked around the island counter in the center of the kitchen.


Alex shot the gunman before the gunman had shot them.

"How did you-" Tessa asked getting cut off.

"Know? I have my ways." Alex said humbly.

Tessa and Alex walked from the kitchen to another hallway that lead to the front door.

"Our way out!" Tessa said joyfully. "But we'll get caught in this hallway." Tessa said looking at Alex.

"Not if we get down." Alex said as if a bulb went off in his head.

"What?" Tessa asked confused.

"I thought you were smart?" Alex said out loud.

"Is that an insult?" Tessa asked irritated.

"Let's proceed." Alex said changing the subject quickly.

Alex and Tessa walked down the hallway with caution.

"Ha, Ha! We got you now." Gunman 3 said snarly blocking the front door.

Alex looked behind him and saw that there was a gunman standing there. Both of the gunmen are pointing their guns at Alex and Tessa, with evil looks and smiles on their faces.

"It's you two who are trapped." Alex told the two gunmen. 

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