Depth 21

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"Wake up! We're here." Alex said tapping Tessa on her shoulder.

"When did I fall asleep?" Tessa asked stretching her back and looking around.

"Shortly after you got in the car." Alex told Tessa.

"You have a nice car." Tessa said complimenting Alex's car.

"Thanks." Alex said meekly.

Alex unbuckled his seat belt, got out the car and walked over to Tessa. Alex opened the passenger door and helped Tessa out of the car. Tessa and Alex walked towards the building.

"There's a passcode and voice recognition. Try it." Alex told Tessa.

"But I don't have a passcode or anything to say to the voice recognition." Tessa told Alex looking at the machine then back at Alex.

"Sure you do. Every family has one. Your parents must've told you in a way that only your family can understand." Alex told Tessa giving her hope.

"Maybe that-" Tessa said before cutting herself off.

Tessa typed in the passcode that came to mind.

"It worked!" Tessa said surprised.

"Great! Now your voice." Alex said pointing to the voice box.

"Will it recognize me? This is my first time here." Tessa said uncertain of herself.

"You've been here before. Go on and try it." Alex nudged her.

Tessa stepped up to the voice box occasionally looking back at Alex.

"Via Lux." Tessa said into the voice box.

"VOICE RECOGNIZED. DOORS OPENING." the female computerized voice said.

"See. Now let's go inside." Alex said helping Tessa inside the building.

Tessa and Alex went inside the elevator going to the 6th floor.

"Ugh. She can clearly walk on her own now. Stop using my man." Raina said heated up.

"Stop worrying about him and get back to work." Illiana told Raina.

"How can I when my future man is putting himself in danger everyday and getting close to other girls." Raina said irritated.

"It's his job." Illiana said to Raina dragging out 'job'

"I need to be his job." Raina said facing Illiana with a fiery passion in her eyes.  

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