Depth 66

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"Thank you for taking care of Raiyen." Leon said grateful.

"You're welcome. So what kind of place is this? I've never heard of it before." Lyn asked interested. 

"A place that seeks and protects." Leon answered shortly.

"This becomes their home?" Lyn asked next.

"Until it's safe for them to return." Leon stated.

"What's up between you and Raiyen?" Lyn asked suddenly. 

"She's a precious being that everyone wants." Leon said keeping his composure.

"What do you want her for?" Lyn directed towards Leon.

"Of course, none other than to protect her." Leon answered calmly.

"Something must've happened if she didn't want to return." Lyn commented to herself.

"What could've possibly happened that she wouldn't want to return?" Leon asked Lyn standing up from his desk, walking in front of it.

"Ask yourself that question." Lyn asked disdainful.

"This place is not for you." Leon said sitting on his desk facing Lyn.

"Thank you for your time. I may need to bother you again." Lyn said dismissing what Leon said earlier.

Leon lets out a fake and distrustful smile.

"No problem. I'll be here or around. Just ask for me." Leon responded mirthful.

Lyn gave Leon a look before leaving.

"She's going to cost us." Leon said returning to work.

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