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Lyn met up with Raiyen at the car.

"What happened back there? Those clothes shouldn't have cost so less unless we went to a thrift store." Lyn told Raiyen.

"Don't think so much. I don't want to hurt your brain anymore than I already am." Raiyen said opening the car door and getting in.

"What?" Lyn said puzzled before getting into the car.

Lyn and Raiyen drove to the Police Station in silence.

"What are you doing here? I thought I told you not to come in." The Lieutenant said walking to his office.

"You did but can't someone else take her? I'm at my limit and it haven't even been one whole day yet." Lyn pleaded.

"No. You got this." The Lieutenant cheered Lyn on.

"But sir-" Lyn began to say.

"I'll let you return to doing your job but you have to keep the girl until we find out more info on her." The lieutenant negotiated.

"That's not what I want though." Lyn corrected The Lieutenant.

"Hello." Raiyen said coming into the office.

"Hello, little girl." The Lieutenant said in a sweet tone.

Raiyen stepped up to Lyn.

"What do you want then?" Raiyen asked Lyn bluntly.

"Me? I want to know more about what happened at that place. It seems like there's more to it. That case isn't over." Lyn told Raiyen determined.

"I can help you meet the person you want." Raiyen told Lyn in a calm voice.

"Really?!" The Lieutenant said shooting up from his seat.

Raiyen turned around and left the office.

"You stick with her and you'll have your man." The Lieutenant said.

Lyn sighed and left the Police Station with Raiyen.

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