Depth 52

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Afternoon turned into the evening.

Ring Ring

"Hello?" Alex asked answering his phone.

"I've received word that Raiyen has been to the police station with a cop. Maybe she'll show up there again. Be sure to get her." Leon demanded.

"Okay, sir." Alex replied ending the call.

"What did he say?" Alan asked curiously.

"To check the police station." Alex told Alan.

"Then let's go check." Alan said.

Alan and Alex began to walk until Alan stopped in his tracks.

"What's up?" Alex asked puzzled.

"Did he tell you which police station it is?" Alan asked concerned.

Alex took a pause then showed a surprise look.

"No, he didn't." Alex said slowly.

"Why did he put you in charge of this group?" Alan said to himself annoyed.

"Maybe he didn't tell me because I might already know which one it is." Alex wondered out loud.

"Then which one is it?" Alan asked worried.

"We need what Ren has." Alex answered as he remembered something.

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