Depth 18

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"You can stop now." The female student Ren was sitting next to said to the female student that is kneeling on the bus floor reinforcing the black trash bag.

The female student was hesitant to stop but did so. The female student Ren was sitting next to removed the black trash bag from the broken window and used her powers. The three gunmen in the car begun shooting at the bus again. The female student stopped the bullets with her left hand then aiming the bullets. The female student released the bullets hitting the car's engine. The driver was taken back and started to swerve the car uncontrollably. 

"Get control of the car!" The gunman seated behind the driver said sternly.

"I'm trying!" The driver shouted back.

The female student lifted the gunman sitting in the passenger seat, levitating him above the car. The gunman started to freak out moving about in mid air. The female student dropped the gunman, hitting the car then rolling off behind the car. The gunmen and driver in the car jumped at the sudden drop of him hitting the car.

"We're almost at the school!" Floyd shouted out loud.

The other two gunmen started shooting again. The female student continued to stop the bullets. The female student grabbed the driver's heart with her right hand while still standing on the bus. 

"What's wrong?" The gunman sitting behind the driver asked.

The driver was grasping at his chest.

"Tell me! What's wrong?" The gunman insisted.

"We're here!" Floyd said relieved, stopping the bus.

The female student crushed the driver's heart when she closed her hand into a fist. The driver's body fell forward on the steering wheel serving the car, crashing.

"The deed is done." The female student said walking towards the front of the bus.

Some students were amazed at the female student's powers while some were not.

"Thanks!" Floyd said feeling grateful.

The students on the bus grabbed their belongings and walked off the bus going to school.

"Should I heal him?" The male student asked Floyd.

"That'd be nice." Floyd told the male student.

The male student leaned over Ren, who was laying down in the seat behind Floyd, to heal Ren's arm.

"Thanks." Floyd said to the male student.

"No problem." The male student said before getting off the bus.

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