Depth 67

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"There you are!" Lyn said after looking for Raiyen.

"So, what do you think?" Raiyen asked unbothered.

"Strange. Suspicious. This place is not right. Especially Leon." Lyn briefed Raiyen.

Later that afternoon.

"Where did the boxes and all the stuff go?" Tessa asked herself searching the dark room with light source coming from the open door upstairs.

Lyn passed an open door then back tracked. Lyn looked left then right starting to go down the stairs.

"What are you doing down here?" Lyn asked out loud reaching the bottom of the stairs.

Surprised, Tessa turns around and say," Nothing! Oh, it's you."

"Are you looking for something?" Lyn asked very interested.

"Why should I tell you?" Tessa asked with an attitude.

"I'm a cop. That should be enough, right." Lyn said calmly with an attitude.

Tessa's sighs defeated before talking.

"I feel like this place is hiding a secret and Leon has something to do with it. I came down here before. This room was so crowded with stuff that it was hard to get around. Now where is it?" Tessa told Lyn spilling her thoughts.

"Let's check the walls. Something could be hidden behind it." Lyn suggested.

Tessa and Lyn start sliding their hands along the walls on opposite sides of the room. Tessa lets out a subtle noise.

"Are you okay?" Lyn asked Tessa still checking the wall.

"Yeah, I feel a breeze coming from this wall." Tessa informed Lyn.

Lyn stopped checking her side of the wall and walked over to Tessa.

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