Depth 15

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"Ngh......Ugh...." Tessa sounded waving her head from side to side and occasionally droping it.

"Someone looks out of it." Ray said mocking Tessa from earlier.

"Maybe we should up the ante?" Spencer suggested.

"Let's!" Ray agreed.

Spencer turned up the dial on the machine more. Tessa screamed at the top of her lungs.

"That's enough!" Jake shouted sternly.

Spencer turned the machine off.

"Now, any information you have would be very helpful if you aren't lying to us." Jake stated to Tessa.

"I.... don't.... know." Tessa said panting in between words. 

"BS! We know you know!" Jake said raising his voice.

"Just let me go." Tessa begged.

"It'll be hard getting Tessa out of this situation while she's hurt. Now let's see. five guys, the boss seems to be gone and, Tessa is tied to a chair. Great!" Alex said to himself, hiding within the basement.    

The lights turn off.

"Hey! what's going on?!" Spencer asked in a panicky voice.

"I don't know?!" Greg answered fumbling around in the dark.

"You better stop this!" Jake demanded from Tessa.

"It's not me!" Tessa responded quickly.

Alex came out of hiding now free roaming in the dark. Alex started taking the guys out one by one.

"Ugh!" Guy 5 sounded getting punched then taken out.

"Such a weakling." Alex said before moving on to the next guy.

"Waah!" Ray said tripping in the dark.

Alex heard Ray and went over to him quickly. Alex started fighting Ray. Ray started swinging in the dark missing every hit he landed but one. Alex stopped the punch that Ray threw then knocked him out.

"Hey, Is everyone still here?" Jake asked staggering his walk in the dark.

"I can't see!" Greg said not moving his feet.

Jake walked into Greg getting hit ,who was waving his hands around. 

"Ouch!" Jake said from getting hit.

"Sorry." Greg said apologetic.

Alex came and took out Jake and Greg at the same time.

"Hey! Hey! You guys still with me?" Spencer asked before turning on the lights.


Spencer looks around to see that all of his friends are knocked out on the floor. Spencer Looks up from the floor to see Alex standing over Greg and Jake's bodies. Spencer stumbles to take out his gun and points it at Alex.

"Hasn't anyone told you that you shouldn't play with guns especially against a skilled person like me." Alex told Spencer, rushing up to him and disassembling his gun smoothly and effortlessly.

Spencer freaked out and ran up the basement stairs.

"Is it okay to just let him go?" Tessa asked Alex, worried.

"No but, my main priority is you. They beat you up pretty badly, huh?" Alex said untying Tessa from the chair.

Alex took Tessa's arm and helped her up from the chair.

"You can lean on me." Alex said in a comfortable voice.

"Is Ren and Lacey okay?" Tessa asked Alex concerned.

"They're fine." Alex informed Tessa.

"That's good. I'm trusting you." Tessa said sternly but friendly. 

Depths Of The DarkOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora