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Lacey cried herself to sleep in Tessa's arms.

"I can take Lacey back to her room." Lacey's G.A.I.L told Tessa.

"It's okay. I'll take her. Where is her room?" Tessa asked in a soft caring voice.

Tessa picked up Lacey holding her in her arms.

"Third floor, room 42." G.A.I.L told Tessa.

Tessa started walking to Lacey's room with G.A.I.L and G.A.I.L 2 following close behind.

"Does Lacey share a room with anybody?" Tessa asked on the way to Lacey's room.

"No." G.A.I.L responded.

"Then I'll be her roommate." Tessa stated.

"You're not age appropriate." G.A.I.L Told Tessa getting hostile.

"I'm her family. I'm going to stay with her." Tessa told G.A.I.L seriously, reaching Lacey's room.

"Is there a problem?" A lady asked politely coming down the hall over to Tessa.

"Tessa is strongly opposing the rules." G.A.I.L notified The Lady.

"I'm putting my sister to bed and I'll be staying with her." Tessa said unwilling to change her mind.

"I know you just arrived but that is against the rules and protocol." The Lady told Tessa in the nicest voice as possible.

"I-" Tessa said before getting cut off.

"Now, Now. Let the young one sleep. Your arms must be tired. Open the door for her." Leon said coming down the hall inconspicuously standing next to Tessa and The Lady. 

"Yes, sir." The Lady said then opening Lacey's room door.

Tessa walked into the bedroom and sat Lacey down on the right bed out of the two beds that was in the room. Tessa made Lacey comfortable laying in the bed, kissed her on the forehead and, went back out into the hallway.

"If matters are needed to be discussed you can come to me whenever." Leon told Tessa standing next to The Lady.

"I just wanted to stay with my little sister." Tessa said to Leon in a weak voice.

"I understand and you can." Leon told Tessa granting her wish.

"But she will have to leave the nest at sometime." The Lady said snob like.

"We already did." Tessa said getting heated up. "Where's Ren?" Tessa asked Leon.

"Ren will be here. Have patience." Leon told Tessa before leaving with The Lady, G.A.I.L and G.A.I.L 2 behind him.

Tessa went back into the room and laid on the bed with Lacey.

"Sir, If we let her do this other families will think it's okay as well." The Lady said as she voiced her opinion. 

"We will deal with it when it gets to that point. Until then just let them be." Leon told The Lady before going their separate ways.

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