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Evening turned to night.

Ren stared out the window as Alex drove down the highway passing cars along the way. After a few hours Ren and Alex arrived at their destination.

"When did I fall asleep?" Tessa asked herself sitting up on the bed.

Tessa gave Lacey a sorrowful but hopeful look before leaving the room.

"That building is tall." Ren stated looking up at the building.

"It's more spacious inside. Let's go." Alex told Ren, leading the way to the entrance

Ren and Alex walked inside the building going to the 6th floor. Ren followed Alex to an opaque glass door. Alex opened the door.

"Welcome!" Leon said, turning away from the window.

"Hello." Ren answered feeling uneasy, entering the office.

"No need to feel scared. This is your new home. Please feel comfortable." Leon told Ren, walking to sit on his desk.

"Okay." Ren replied, walking further into the office.

Alex entered the office as well walking over to the right side wall of the office to lean on it.

"Where's Ren? It's been hours." Tessa said to herself, walking through the halls of the 3rd floor.

As Tessa explored the floor, she discovered that the 3rd floor is where the people who come here sleep.

"You may go now." Leon told Ren, going to sit at his computer desk.

Ren left the office with ease and Alex close behind.

"I'll show you to your room. It'll be your room for the remainder of your stay here." Alex said leading the way to the elevator.

"Before I go to my room, may I see my sisters?" Ren asked Alex going to the 3rd floor.

"Since it's night, I think they might be asleep." Alex said as they walked out of the elevator.

"Maybe you're right." Ren agreed.

Alex lead Ren to his room.

"Tessa!" Ren shouted.

Tessa turned around before entering the room she left out of. Ren ran towards Tessa giving her a big hug. Tessa hugged Ren back. Alex walked down the hall to Tessa and Ren after being left behind.

"Are you okay? Did you get hurt?" Tessa questioned Ren releasing him from the hug.

Ren took a deep breath.

"I did get hurt but I'm okay now." Ren answered reassuring Tessa at the same time.

"What!" Tessa and Alex shouted out in unison.

Tessa and Alex immediately looked at each other. Tessa then begun to blush looking away. Ren looked at Alex then Tessa.

"I'm tired so I gonna go to bed." Ren said snapping Tessa out her blushing state.

"You can sleep with Lacey and me." Tessa offered.

"Okay!" Ren agreed excitedly.

"Are you sure?" Alex questioned Tessa.

"Yeah, I am." Tessa responded with a straight face.

"The rooms are given to you according to gender." Alex informed Tessa.

"Not you too." Tessa said feeling annoyed.

"It's fine. I can sleep in my room." Ren said.

"Fine." Tessa said giving in.

Tessa entered her room and closed the door behind her. Tessa gave Lacy a long gaze.

"I need to learn more about this place." Tessa told herself sternly.

Alex walked Ren to his room and opened the door.

"Thank you." Ren said walking into his room.

"You're welcome. If you need anything just tell me." Alex told Ren. " Goodnight." Alex said before leaving.

"Goodnight." Ren responded, looking around the room before going to bed.

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