Depth 45

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The break of dawn

Knock Knock


The knocking became louder.

"I'm coming." Alex groggily answered getting out of bed.

Alex unhurriedly walked over to the door. 

"Hurry up!" The person at the door said.

Alex opened the door.

"What's up?" Alex asked distrubed.

"Mr. Hewitt wants you to come to his office." The person at the door informed Alex.

"Okay." Alex responded before closing his door.

Alex got ready for the day and went to Leon's office. Alex knocked on the door.

"Come in." Leon invited Alex into his office.

"You wanted me?" Alex asked walking into the office standing in front of Leon's desk.

"Not so much of a want but more of a need. I need you and your group to split into two groups. One group will stay and help the Brennan Family control their powers and the other will look for a girl. Her name is Raiyen." Leon informed Alex, giving Alex a profile on Raiyen. 

"Did she leave?" Alex asked curiously looking over Raiyen's profile.

"Don't worry about that." Leon told Alex.

"Is there anything else you need?" Alex asked.

"You may go." Leon told Alex.

Alex left the office with Raiyen's profile in hand.

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