Depth 70

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"Wait for me outside." Alex told Lyn.

"Why should I? I'm a cop, you know." Lyn asked with an attitude.

"You have no jurisdiction here." Alex told Lyn sternly.

Lyn reluctantly leaves the infirmary without saying anything.

"What's up?" Alex asked Dannie.

"I understand that Tessa cut herself but with that cut there's no way she could've lost that much blood." Dannie explained to Alex.

"What do you mean? That cut looked pretty deep." Alex said trying to convince himself of what he saw. "There's a puddle of her blood on the floor." Alex told Dannie.

"That's the thing. Her cut wasn't that deep." Dannie notified Alex.

Alex started thinking of a bunch of possibilities.

"Oh and Alex you should change your shirt. Tell her to change her pants. You'll bring attention to yourselves with blood on you." Dannie said playfully walking to Tessa.

Alex left the infirmary after what Dannie had told him.

Depths Of The Darkजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें