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Upon leaving the apartment complex, The group of strangers followed Ren further down the sidewalk. Ren ran three blocks before running into a convenience store.

"I'm being chased. May I hide in here?" Ren asked the clerk, busting through the doors, panting.

"Um.. Sure." The Female Clerk answered.

Ren ran behind a door next to where the clerk was standing. Ren leaned on the door, slid down it and laying on the floor to catch a breather. The strangers came into the convenience store roughly, ready to do damage. Ren couldn't see anything but heard everything that was happening.

"Where's the boy?" A tough sounding stranger asked the female clerk.

"I... I don't know." The female clerk answered, shaken up.

A scrawny stranger in the back of the store started to knock things over.

"Hey! You can't-" The female clerk shouted jumping slightly back after getting a gun shoved in her face.

Ren jumped at the sound of the female clerk yelling and things being thrown around. The muscles in Ren's body begin to tighten up. Ren was too scared to do anything.

"Don't focus on them, focus on me. Now, where is the boy? I saw him come in here." The tough sounding stranger asked the female clerk again pointing a gun at her face. 

"I'm sorry. I really don't know." The female clerk said as she stumbled on her words.

The tough sounding stranger gave the female clerk a nasty look.

"Come on! Let's look somewhere else." The tough sounding stranger commanded.

The rest of the strangers also left behind the tough sounding stranger while they continued to trash the store on their way out. The muscles in Ren's body locked up on him so tight that he felt frozen in place. The convenience store doors open.

"Nice job, holding your own." A stranger with a carefree voice said.

The female clerk stumbled backwards and slid to the floor in shock.

"I don't get paid enough for this." The female clerk proclaimed, sitting on the floor behind the cash register.

The door where Ren is hiding behind begin to open. Ren felt his soul leave his body. 

"Are you alright? I'm here to help you." The stranger with a carefree voice said standing over Ren.

Ren was still in shock. The carefree stranger sat Ren up and embraced him.

"My name is Alex Pierce." Alex introduced himself still embracing Ren.

Ren could feel his whole body start to loosen up.

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