Depth 23

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Alex and Tessa walked down the hallway to the room on the left.

"Just walk in." Alex told Tessa before leaving.

"Welcome!" Leon said greeting Tessa.

"Hello." Tessa said walking further into the office.

"My name is Leon Hewitt. You have grown since the last time I've seen you." Leon said walking up to Tessa. "I see you've been through so much lately." Leon said putting his hand on Tessa's back, sympathizing with her.

"How do you know?" Tessa asked feeling vulnerable.

"This is G.A.I.L 2. She will be taking care of you." Leon informed Tessa.

"Take Tessa to the infirmary." Leon instructed G.A.I.L 2.

"Now that our parents are gone. Now What?" Tessa asked Leon.

"I didn't expect you to know of your parent's death so quickly." Leon told Tessa walking to the window with his hands behind his back looking out the glass window.

"Are Ren and Lacey okay?" Tessa asked Leon, worried for her brother and sister.

"G.A.I.L 2 will show you to Lacey after you visit the infirmary." Leon told Tessa, turning around from the window and sitting in his chair.

"Ren?" Tessa asked sternly.

"You may go now." Leon said getting on his computer ignoring Tessa.

G.A.I.L 2 gestured for Tessa to leave the office. Tessa was reluctant to leave the office but left anyway with G.A.I.L 2 behind her.

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