Depth 16

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Ren stood up from the floor bleeding on his right arm.

"How's her wounds?" Ren asked the male student who is healing the female student's shot wound.

"It's going well." The male student said taking his eyes off of the female student but still healing her.

"You're hurt!" the male student said to Ren in shock.

"Don't stop! Focus on her." Ren told the male student overseeing the male student heal the female student.

"We're almost there! Everybody hold on there's a sharp turn ahead!" Floyd informed them.

Floyd made the sharp right turn on a narrow road while the students and Ren's body were being jerked to the left. The blue car toppled over the railing falling down the cliff. The other black car hit the bike making him grind his bike on the road falling in between the railing also falling off the cliff. After making the turn Floyd regained the bus's speed.

"How's the students back there?" Floyd asked in curiosity.

"Good!" The male student who is still healing the female student's wounds said.

"How many of them are left?" Floyd asked swerving the bus.

"Just one more!" A male student yelled.

"Okay, thanks kid." Floyd yelled back.

Ren went to the middle of the bus to check on them.

"Why don't you come sit down?" The female student Ren was seating next to ask Ren.

Ren didn't give it much thought and walked to his seat next to her. The female student stood up from the seat letting Ren get by to sit down.

"We can handle this." The female student said to Ren.

"Are you sure sweetie?" Floyd asked the female student in concern.

"Yes." The female student answered then walking to the back of the bus. Now standing directly in between the female student reinforcing the black trash bag that Ren had put up.

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