Depth 33

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"So, where are we starting?" Hiro asked Lyn while both of them got in the car.

"The crime scene." Lyn responded bluntly as she drove off.

"What do you hope to find there?" Hiro asked puzzled.

"A clue we all overlooked so stop asking me questions." Lyn replied, driving faster.

"But we're a team." Hiro said to himself discouraged.

Lyn Walker and Kyoya Hiro got out off the car and walked over to the store.

"The yellow tape is still up." Hiro said out loud.

"Of course. This happened yesterday." Lyn told Hiro as they walked into the store.

Kyoya Hiro and Lyn Walker searched around the store looking for clues. 

"Did you find anything?" Hiro asked Lyn still looking around.

"Our next destination." Lyn said standing up from kneeling.

"Where's that?" Hiro asked excitedly.

"For now lets go back to the station and get more info." Lyn told Hiro.

"But?" Hiro said feeling unequal.

Lyn Walker and Kyoya Hiro went back to the station and looked for information.

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