Depth 36

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"Boss, they're back." Jake informed Frank, while looking out the blinds from the house.

"What should we do?" Spencer asked.

"The plans never changed. We'll get them." Frank said in a deep, mean, demanding voice.

"We have to come up with a plan to get them." Spencer said thinking.

"Yeah, I want my payback." Ray said punching his left hand into his right open palm.

"You'll get your payback. Untill then take out their defense line. This is our neighborhood." Frank said devilish.

"Move out!" Micheal said.

Everyone moved out into their positions.

"Alright, You're up first Brody." Micheal told everyone.

"Got it." Brody said aiming a sniper rifle at his target.

"Wait.....Now! Take out as much as you can." Micheal told Brody.

Brody starting snipping everyone he sees on sight.

"Everybody down! Take cover!" Casey shouted.

Floyd and Casey got into their ready positions. Tessa ran to Lacey then Ren.

"Stay low." Alex told the Brennan family.

"You go downstairs and I'll protect them." Alan insisted.

"Got it." Alex said going downstairs.

"Did anybody see where the shot came from?" Flyod shouted out loud.

"No, Sir." the team all yelled out of sync.

Five people were now taken out.

"We need to find them." Floyd insisted.

"We need a better team." Casey said changing her position.

"Casey be careful. We are in a neighborhood with civilians." Floyd instructed.

"It's my life or theirs and you know me." Casey said shooting back.

"Fine, You lead and I follow." Floyd said giving up.

"Gladely." Casey said feeling free.

Click.. Click..... Click

Alex looked in the direction of the backdoor.

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