Depth 53

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"Hey, Floyd can you ask Ren if he still has that card on him?" Alex asked in a rush.

"Sure, hold on." Floyd told Alex.

Floyd searched the building for Ren to find him in the lounge area watching TV while his sisters Tessa and Lacey are playing Uno at a table.

"Ren!" Floyd called out.

"Yes." Ren answered taking his attention away from the tv screen.

Floyd walked up to Ren.

"Do you have a card on you?" Floyd asked straightforward.

"No, why?" Ren responded unsure.

"He said he doesn't have it." Floyd said putting the phone up to his ear.

"Tell him he received it from someone." Alex instructed Floyd trying to remember.

"You received it from someone?" Floyd asked.

"I did? Umm... Oh yeah. I received a business card from a cop named Lyn Walker." Ren told Floyd as he remembered.

"Thanks." Floyd said as he walked out the lounge talking to Alex on the phone.

"He said he received a business card from someone name Lyn walker." Floyd told Alex.

"Thanks for your help." Alex said before hanging up.

"We now have a name. Lyn Walker." Alex told Alan.

"So that narrows it down to one station." Alan stated.

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