Depth 51

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"Why didn't Casey use her force field power instead of shooting all those innocent guys at my house?" Lacey asked with a straight face.

Casey looked directly at Lacey.

"We can't showcase our powers in public." Casey answered bluntly looking in Tessa's direction.

"Alright let's get started. Tessa are you ready?" Floyd asked changing the subject.

"Yeah." Tessa responded a bit scared.

Floyd pushed the red button then the blue button. Armed men with knives came running towards Tessa. Tessa ran around the spacious simulation room finally getting cornered. The armed men went straight for Tessa in the corner. Floyd motioned his hand over the blue button.

"Don't." Casey said still looking at the situation Tessa is in.

Tessa crouch down putting her hands up in front of her towards the armed men coming. A few moments passed while Tessa is wondering why she hasn't been stabbed and looks up. Tessa is in utter shock.

"Why aren't they moving?" Tessa asked out loud.

"You." Casey responded leaving from behind the shield.

"They're frozen?!" Tessa asked astonished.

Casey reached Tessa and started to investigate two of the armed men.

"Apparently you can immobilize your opponent slowing down organisms giving a similar effect to slowing down time.

"How do you know that?" Tessa asked confused.

"You see how the armed men here are frozen but 'we' are not." Casey said putting emphasis on we.

"Yeah." Tessa answered.

"If you stopped time we shouldn't still be able to move. Only you." Casey enlightened Tessa.

"I understand but you know, you're quite nice under the cold attitude." Tessa said complimenting Casey.

Casey walked away from Tessa immediately after hearing what Tessa said.

"Did I say something wrong?" Tessa asked puzzled, walking back to Lacey, Ren and Floyd.

"I think that's enough for one day. The two of you will go next time." Floyd told Lacey and Ren.

Floyd lead The Brennan family out of the simulation room.

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