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Everybody in the store started screaming and yelling when Alex got shot as well as the the police force ducked down when the shot was fired.

"Don't try anything stupid or you'll end up like him!" The last gunman warned them fiercely, continuing his search.

"We're coming in on the count of three!" The lieutenant shouted into the megaphone.

"Found you!" The last gunman said fiendishly, grabbing Ren roughly.

"Ugh... I let myself get a little too carried away." Alex said rubbing his head getting up from the floor.

"Let me go!" Ren shouted struggling to free himself from the gunman's grasp.

"You're coming with me!" The last gunman said going to the back entrance.

"1!" The lieutenant shouted into the megaphone

"Ow!" Ren said making contact with the floor and the last gunman laying on top of Ren.

Alex shot the last gunman with a teal blue and black smokey bow and arrow, hitting the last gunman in the back. The teal blue and black bow and arrow disappeared in mid air when Alex was done using it. Alex rushed over to Ren and removed the last gunman by rolling him off of Ren.

"2!" The Lieutenant shouted into the megaphone.

"Come with me." Alex said grabbing Ren and moving to another place to take cover and blend in.

"Are you okay?" Ren asked in concern, hiding with Alex in a new place.

Alex shushed Ren.

"3! We're coming in!" The lieutenant shouted into the megaphone.

The cops came in the store with a battering ram busting the stores' door down. The cops put the battering ram down and searched the place carefully with guns in hand. The lieutenant came in.

"Hostages, you are free to go now!" The lieutenant yelled.

All the hostages including Ren and Alex left out the front entrance.

"Sir, all the gunmen are dead." A cop notified the lieutenant.

"What?!" The lieutenant said in disbelief.

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