Depth 76

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"What's going on?" Alan shouted over the alarm.

"Intruders are right outside this door." Raina informed everyone.

"We need to keep them out then." Floyd stated.

As the group is talking a steel like door comes falling down breaking the glass doors behind the steel wall.

"Search every inch of this place and kill whoever gets in your way." Frank commanded his group. "Send in the special group." Frank said with a sinister smile on his face.

"Come on!" Alex shouted.

Alan, Floyd and, Rose with her group goes into action fighting to keep back Frank's forces. Alex had a thought come into his head when he saw Frank make his way into the building. 

"Where are you going?" Rose shouted over the chaos as she sees Alex run down the hall.

"Just keep fighting." Alan said to Rose, as she freezes an intruder and smashes him to pieces.

"We gotta get Tessa out of here." Alex told Dannie with urgency in his voice.

"But she's-" Dannie begin to say. 

"Now's not the time. We need to get her somewhere safe." Alex said straightforward as he stared Dannie down.

"Okay." Dannie agreed helping to move Tessa.

"No! Not that way." Alex told Dannie, stopping her.

"Then, where?" Dannie asked baffled.

"Follow me." Alex said going in the opposite direction with Dannie and unconscious Tessa laying in a hospital bed.

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