Chapter 48

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A/N: Finally finished with this chapter after multiple re-writes 😥😥😥 Phew!!! And there's a song in this chapter so, you know what to do... Enjoy!!!


Despite performing for years, Kabir still felt nervous whenever he was on stage. However, this habit of his annoyed the heck out of Ayesha who was currently dealing with a wardrobe mishap.

"Stop fidgeting," Ayesha scolded. She then added just to annoy him. "Bhaiyya!"

"Stop that," he said. "You haven't called me that since we were kids."

"Then stop acting like one," Ayesha replied as she swatted his arm. "I can't fix this chain on you if you keep moving around."

"Sorry yaar," he apologized. "I'm just nervous."

"When aren't you?" Ayesha questioned.

A knock on the door pulled them out of their causual banter.

"How's my two older siblings doing?" Arjun asked, announcing his presence.

"If you're wondering if I had killed him yet," Ayesha replied. "The answer is no. However, I am very tempted to if he doesn't stop moving around."

"I said sorry na?" Kabir retorted.

"Your sorry is invalid until you stop tapping your feet!" Ayesha chastised. "For goodness sake Kabir, why are you so nervous?"

"I haven't performed in concert for a very long time," Kabir answered.

"And he hasn't performed in front of a crush since high school," Arjun added.

"Thank you for the unnecessary comments," Kabir said, sarcastically.

"If you wanted to impress her," Ayesha stated. "You should have done it a long time ago."

"And who am I supposed to be impressing?" Kabir asked.

"Raina," the two of them said, simultaneously.

Kabir rolled his eyes. There was then a rhythmic tap on the door and before the door could open, they knew already knew it was Sunny.

"Ready to go?" Sunny asked to no one in particular, he just needed an answer.

"Not yet," Ayesha responded as she tried to fix that one stray metal chain onto Kabir's belt. "There's a wardrobe malfunction. Call mom or Di, I don't think I can fix this."

"Ok," Sunny said as he ducked behind the door. After a split second, he reappeared. "There's also a Dr. Raina Jaietly and family waiting at the green room, should I send them in?"

"Why did you leave them there?" Kabir scolded Sunny. "Send them in, duffer."

"Well," Sunny defended. "I don't know if you're naked or fully dressed."

"Would I let your wife in if I weren't wearing anything?" Kabir retorted.

"I don't know," Sunny said. "You guys are siblings."

"Sunny!" Ayesha huffed. "Stop talking and go!"

"Fine," he replied as disappeared from their sights.

"Can't I just leave the chain hanging?" Ayesha asked. "There's really nothing I can do about it."

"It was fine the other day," Kabir muttered.

"A lot of things were also fine the other day," Ayesha told him. "Like my patience. Only mom can figure this thing out now."

"And you call yourself a fashion designer," Kabir mocked.

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