Chapter 8

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A/N: 2 chapters in a week... Yay!! I managed it!!! Also, I'm introducing a new character in who's not in the cast list as it only makes like one (maybe two?) appearance *cough* played by Shahid Kapoor *cough*.

I managed to Kat-ch (lame joke, I know...) Jagga Jasoos like second day, second show (if I'm not mistaken) at this small cinema (because it's a limited release in my country) and the only thing I could say was... Awesome!!! I can only aspire to be as good as Anurag Basu if I do venture into films... RanKat Jodi never ceases to entertain me!!! Their chemistry was awesome, they always put a smile on my face and they just light the screen on fire... Ending was nice until... Jang, jang, jang... I don't intend to indulge in spoilers so go watch it yourselves... Ladies and gentlemen who are nice enough to drop me comments, please no discussing the storyline (at least not past what's said in the promotions) until a couple weeks later when others have the chance to actually watched it, let's not spoil it for them... If you really have the urge to discuss or fangirl with me, please pm me... I will get back to you (in due time) XD

Also, it's Katrina's birthday today so... Happy birthday, Katrina!!! Please continue being awesome, lovely and a constant inspiration for me XD

Ok, that's it for now!!! Enjoy the story (and go watch Jagga Jasoos if you haven't)!!!


Before they left for the pizza parlor, Kabir gave Ayesha a call to let her know where he was going. Ayesha had only agreed to his request when he had told her that Dr. Raina was accompanying him and that he had made sure that he has taken every single precautions to avoid turning this lunch appointment into entertainment front page news, which was what Raina was also concerned about.

The pizza parlor was a short fifteen minutes away from the clinic. Kabir pulled up at the back entrance, away from the busy road and away from prying eyes. It was only because the parlor belonged to an old friend of Kabir that he managed to get the whole place themselves.

"Kabir, my man!" A man called out from behind the counter. Kabir who was showing Raina around turned towards the direction of the voice. Kabir then walked towards him and enveloped him in a hug.

"Oh my God, Sameer!" Kabir said. "It's so good to see you."

"You too," Sameer replied. "It's been awhile..." Since the incident. The words hung in the air.

Suddenly, Sameer realized there was someone else in the restaurant besides the two of them. He pushed passed Kabir and stood in front of Raina.

"Hello," he said to her. Then, he turned to Kabir. "Aren't you going to introduce us?"

Kabir rubbed the back of his neck, a bit unsure but he introduced them anyway.

"Raina, this is Sameer," Kabir told Raina. And then to Sameer. "Sameer, this is Raina."

Sameer held out his hand and lets out the widest smile he can ever muster. Raina, on the other hand, reluctantly extended hers. However, before their hands could meet, Kabir stepped in and swatted Sameer's hand away.

"Ok," Kabir told Sameer. "That's enough."

"Kyun?" (Why?) Sameer asked. "Kya woh teri girlfriend hai?" (Is she your girlfriend?)

"No," Kabir and Raina replied simultaneously. This was the second time in a day that they were mistaken as a couple. Maybe, they should start wearing signs telling people that they weren't together.

"Woh mere therapist," (She's my therapist) Kabir continued, feeling slightly embarrassed.

"Oh," Sameer said. "Then it should be alright if I do this." He then turned to Raina. "Hi, my name is Sameer Shah. Phone number, 9820151139."

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