Chapter 37

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A/N: New character!!! Raina's sweet si, pyaari si nani is played by none other than one of my personal favorite on screen ma, Farida Jalal...

And if you've forgotten who plays Raina's mom, it's played by the amazing dancing goddess, Madhuri Dixit... Who by the way is like #dancegoals... Her expressions, her ada, her dance... Ufffff...

Before I deviate any further, let's get back to the story, shall we??? 😂😂😂


The reception was nothing less than grand. Coloured cloth lined the walls and ceilings as the music blasted throughout the hall. Kabir, after changing into his clothes, joined his friends and family at their table. Kabir couldn't help but rolled his eyes as the seat 'reserved' for him. It was between Raina and Sunny.

"Traitor," Sunny said under his breath just as Kabir sat down. "I thought we were bros!" Sunny sulked.

"Well bros don't mess around with their bro's sister," Kabir retorted. "You, on the other hand, married her."

Next to Sunny, Ayesha rolled her eyes.

"For God's sake, Kabir," she groaned. "Are you going to hold it against us for the rest of our lives?"

"Nope," Kabir said with a click of his tongue. "Only when he decides to go all bro mode on me."

Suddenly, Kabir heard a someone's phone go off only to realize it was Raina's. Raina quickly excused herself and left to pick up her phone call.

Kabir stayed at the table, giving Raina her privacy. However, it wasn't until he saw the flustered expression on her face that he realized something was wrong.

"Is everything alright?" Kabir asked her the moment she neared the table.

"It's my grandmother," she informed him. "She's in the hospital. I have to go."

"I'll come with you," Kabir said instantly.

"No," she replied. "You should stay. I'll be fine. Don't let me spoil your fun."

"The wedding is over for the most part," he told her. "There's nothing much left except the reception, which I'm sure Vishal and Tara would understand why we left."

"Kabir's right," Ayesha told her. " I'm sure Vishal and Tara would understand. We'll also be less worried if there was someone accompanying you. Besides, Kabir owes you a return plane ticket."

Raina looked at Kabir who returned her gaze with pleading eyes. She had a nudging feeling that he wouldn't be satisfied until he was allowed to go with her.

"Fine," she relented.

"Ok," Kabir said as he got up from his seat. "Go pack, I'll meet you at the lobby once you're done. Ayesha..."

"We got this," Ayesha said, cutting him off mid-sentence. "You focus on getting Raina home safely."

"Keep us updated," Di told Raina. "And don't be a stranger once you get back to Mumbai."

Raina smiled.

"Thanks," she replied as Kabir ushered her out.

Raina was silent the whole time she packed. Her mind kept going back to her mother's phone call. She couldn't help but worry about her mother and grandmother.

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