Chapter 35

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A/N: Hello, how's everyone doing? Sorry for disappearing for such a long time... Christmas usually gets a bit crazy around the house and now that it's over, I finally had enough time to sit down and write (and aptly publish on the last day of the year 😂😂😂)...

#ootd in the media and music in the story part...


Kabir has never felt so free in a such long time. He walked the streets freely, took pictures only when he wanted (or rather when Raina and his mom wanted), he didn't have to behave in a certain way or worry about people chasing him. It was pure bliss!

Sometimes, he wonders about his life if he wasn't a star. Would things be as complicated as it is now? However, despite of all the trouble he goes through, he wouldn't trade his life for anything.

Their last stop before heading back into "captivity", was a church. Raina had recognized the church the first time they went out as a few Bollywood movies had been filmed there. Kabir thought it would be a good place to 'end' the 'tour' as it was the closest tourist attraction to their hotel.

Raina waltz up the stairs, almost as if in a jovial sprint. Kabir followed after, slowly trotting behind. His mother had a phone call from Arjun to attend to, so, she stayed behind in the car.

To be honest, Kabir wasn't a deeply religious person. When he was a child, he would begrudgingly follow his mother to the temple only because she would buy him ice-cream after that. So, Kabir chose to stand by the stairs and watched as Raina roam around, wide eyed.

Kabir looked away to check on his mother only for a split second before finding Raina talking to a priest, who had magically appeared out of thin air. It was almost out of a scene of some Bollywood movie. Where the heck did he appear from?

After a few minutes, the priest left and Raina walked over to him.

"What were the both of you talking about?" Kabir asked.

"The priest was just telling me about the church," she replied. "It's beautiful isn't it?"

"Yeah," he muttered. "I saw you light a candle just now. What did you ask for?"

"It's a secret," she answered. "We better get going. If not, we're never going to get ready in time for the wedding ceremony."

"Why don't you head down first?" Kabir proposed. "I need to use the gent's."

Raina nodded and went down the stairs. When she was near the bottom of the stairs, he walked to the church but stayed by the entrance. His eyes were fixed on the candle Raina had lit earlier.

Whatever she asked for, please give it to her, he silently err... prayed? Kabir wasn't even sure what he was doing. All he knew was that whatever Raina asked for, she deserves to have it. She had after all, given him a second shot at life. This was the least he could do. She's a good person. A bit annoying but if you look past that, she's actually quite nice. Ok, I'm done. Err... Woh Christian log kya kehte the (What did the Christians say)? Hallelujah? Amen? Sorry, I don't know how to do this. To be honest, I don't even know half of the prayers my mom says. Ok, bye."

He quickly walked out of the church and returned to the car. He found his mother and Raina laughing about something.

"What's so funny?" Kabir asked.

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