Chapter 4

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A/N: Sorry for the late update! I had too much fun watching Wonder Woman that I totally forgot I had a story to update XD I really need to work harder to remember to update!!! Hehe ;) Let me just say this though... Wonder Woman the movie and Gal Gadot were just pure awesomeness!!! (I can't believe it took me so long to watch it) Although Superman will always been my favorite superhero, Wonder Woman just totally dominate the number 1 spot of my favourite superhero movie!!! (It used to be Brandon Routh's Superman Return) This just shows how awesome women can be!!! Ok, enough blabbering... Back to the story!!!


Ever since Raina had been told she would be assigned Kabir Varma's case, she Googled​ him, trying to get as much information about the rockstar.

Apparently, Kabir Varma was in high school when he started out by playing in gigs and weddings for his friends and family. At that time, the band only consisted of Kabir, who provided the vocals and played the guitar while his best friend and now brother in law, Sunny, played the bass. It wasn't until his college years when he met Vishal, his drummer, that he took the band seriously. It was by pure luck and chance that Rahul Oberoi, the executive director of Mega Records, discovered them at a local gig and decided to launch them. Rebranded as VKAS, their first album swept the nation by storm and they became an overnight sensation. Known for his soulful and versatile voice, Kabir, after the disband of VKAS, pursued a solo career and continued to ride on his wave of success. That was, until his break up with his longtime girlfriend, Tara Rai. Post break up, his career took a slump when he started drinking to "numb his heartache". However, after an incident during a concert, Kabir zero-ed his chances of reviving his career and retired quietly.

Raina lets out a sigh as she took in he splendour of the mansion in front of her. Perks of being a rockstar, she thought to herself. She muttered a soft prayer and rang the doorbell. It didn't take long before a young woman opened the door.

"Dr. Raina Jaitley?" The woman asked.

"Yeah," Raina replied. "Just Dr. Raina will do."

"I'm Ayesha," Ayesha introduced herself to Raina. "Kabir's sister and Sunny's wife."

"Ah," Raina said. "Nice to meet you. I've spoken to your husband regarding Kabir's case and it shouldn't be an issue if he is willing to cooperate."

"Thank you," Ayesha told her. "I really appreciate you doing this and coming here..."

"It's my duty, Ayesha," Raina replied. "I should also be thankful to you. I don't go out much so this is also like an opportunity to see the city."

"I remember Sunny telling me that you're from London," Ayesha states. "I think we should go in. My brother will be down in a while."

Ayesha led Raina into the living room just as Sunny was coming down the stairs with Kabir in tow.

"Sunny," Raina introduced. "This is Dr. Raina and Dr Raina, this is Sunny, my husband."

Sunny and Raina quickly exchanged greetings before Raina's gaze settled on the man lurking behind them.

"And that's Kabir," Ayesha told Raina. "Please forgive him, he's a bit of an idiot."

"Ayesha," Kabir whined then took a long look at Raina.

She wasn't at all what he expected. Psychiatrists were supposed to be boring people sitting down in lush offices half bothering to listen to their patients. She, on the other hand, was gorgeous! A little nerdy but gorgeous. Kabir stuck out his hand.

"Hi," he said. "Kabir Varma."

"Dr Raina Jaitley," Raina said as she accepted it.

For an alcoholic, Kabir doesn't look that bad. No, stop! Focus! This might just be the big break that you've been waiting for!

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