Chapter 11

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A/N: Pictures of what the characters are wearing for the engagement function. The closest I got to a real life Indian wedding would be my cousin's "Chinese-Indian hybrid" wedding that happened like 10 years ago... So, just so you know, I'm writing the wedding based on movies (Shandaar and YJHD to be more specific), my cousin's wedding and help from ira131 and a friend of mine who refused to be named (Idiot! I know you're reading this!!!)... I don't plan on writing out the ceremonies (for obvious reasons) but if there's anything wrong, please let me know... And please let me know if there's anymore of you awesome people who's willing to help this bechari writer...


For the entirety of the next week, Kabir avoided Raina, Ayesha and Sunny like the plague. He spent most of his time in his room and only re-appeared to eat. Needless to say, Ayesha and Sunny were worried out of their minds. Especially, when Kabir had a history with hiding alcohol and drinking to the point of oblivion. However, they had noticed during their meals that Kabir was completely sober and there were no traces of alcohol on him.

Kabir had also cancelled his weekly session with Raina for the next two weeks on the pretext of being too occupied with packing and getting ready for the wedding (which was partially true). Although, he did continue with his daily update, it only consisted of a three words long email. Clean. No alcohol.

On the other hand, Raina was frustrated with both the situation and Kabir. Why couldn't he give her a chance to explain? Was he going to hide from her forever? And why wasn't he interacting with Ayesha and Sunny? She had tried contacting him but he either ignored her call or his phone was completely switched off. Heck, he wouldn't even reply her emails.

Soon, the week flew by and before he knew it, Kabir was standing alone outside of the Marriott Hotel Grand Ballroom in Goa, where the all of Tara and Vishal's wedding ceremony were to be held.

When Kabir first arrived, he was swarmed by a sea of media-walon. He knew better than to give them any statements or comments regarding the wedding so, he kept his mouth shut and only posed for pictures. Once the pictures were taken, he was ushered to the hotel reception to collect his room key and to have his bags sent to his room.

He looked around the surroundings and a pang of jealousy hit him. If it weren't for the breakup, it would have been their wedding. Kabir even recognized some of the details that Tara had mentioned when they were together. The beige and gold themed decorations, the beach view wedding, the open air mandap (pavilion)...

The "official" engagement ceremony would be starting in a while but Kabir couldn't bring himself to go into the ballroom. Ayesha and Sunny would only be arriving later that day; as Ayesha couldn't get that day off, meant that for now, he had no one to force him to join in the celebrations. He was just about to walk away when the door suddenly opens to reveal none other than the groom himself, Vishal Banerjee.

Vishal was dressed in a simple black kurta pajama with a modi jacket. To be honest, Kabir thought he looked more like a guest than a groom. But that's just how Vishal Banerjee is... Or how Kabir remembered him to be. A simple man with simple pleasures.

"Kabir?" Vishal said, shocked. "It's so great to see you." Vishal then pulled Kabir into a quick hug. Kabir, on the other hand, made no attempts to return the gesture. "Aap yahan kyun khade ho? (Why are you standing here?) Come inside."

Vishal placed a hand on Kabir's shoulder to usher him in but Kabir pushed it off.

"I can handle myself," he told Vishal. His face was blank, completely devoid of any emotion.

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