Chapter 20

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A/N: #ootd in the media...

It's Malaysia's National Day tomorrow which means I get to flaunt my Malaysian pride and I get an extra day off!!! #happiness #proudtobemalaysian 😂😂😂

On the other hand, the monsoon season is here and it's already created quite a havoc... Stay safe and take care!!! Have the emergency numbers ready at hand on case anything happens... And if anyone needs help, I'll try my best to help... I'm just a "send button" away...


Kabir and Raina had once again managed to evade the prying eyes of the media and arrived safely in the hotel.

As promised, Kabir brought Raina to the room she shared with Di at 4.30pm sharp.

"Thanks for today," Raina said. "I had fun."

"Me too," he replied. "And I'm sorry for ruining it at the end."

"You shouldn't be sorry for expressing your feelings," she stated. "You know, someone once tolds me that we're all taught to bury our feelings, to be indifferent to our emotions and when it comes to actually expressing them, it becomes a big ball of mess."

Kabir nodded.

"I guess I'll see you later then," he said. "If not, tomorrow."

"Do you want to come in for a bit?" Raina offered. "I know Arjun is in there but..."

At that instance, the door swung open, revealing an annoyed Di.

"You're finally here!" Di exclaimed. She then jabbed a finger in Kabir's face. "Kaha tha na? (Didn't I tell you?) I want her back by 4.30."

"I did bring her back at 4.30," Kabir defended. "We were just talking out here."

"Whatever," Di dismissed. "Ayesha had gone back to her room to get ready and I have an errand to run. Go shower and hopefully by the time you're done, either Ayesha or I will be back to help you out. Kabir, you too."

"In there?" Kabir asked, confused, as he pointed towards the girls' room.

Raina had to stifle her laughter as Di rolled her eyes.

"In your own room, budhu (stupid)," Di groaned.

"Oh," he said. "Then I'll see you around, Raina."

"See you," she replied as he walked off.

Di then dragged Raina into the room.

"Ayesha and I have just picked out a dress for you," Di announced. "It's hanging behind the bathroom door. You don't have to worry about anything, hair and make-up will be arriving at 5.30. All you have to do is the a shower and put on the dress."

Hair and make-up?

Before Raina could protest, she found herself being ushered into the bathroom and the door locking behind her.

Raina sighed and shook her head. She had learnt that there was no fighting Di once she has made up her mind.


After a disastrous night, Kabir decided he should catch up on some sleep. However, life had a way of playing with him and he found himself in the same elevator as Vishal.

"Hi," Vishal said.

"Hi," Kabir replied.

They rode the elevator in silence until it reached Kabir's floor. The door opened but Kabir made no attempt to move.

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