Chapter 47

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A/N: Not exactly a regular update but... Here's another chapter!!!


When Kabir arrived at Arjun's office, Raina, Arjun and a young man were already there, waiting for him.

"This is Kabir Varma, Mr Arora. " Arjun introduced. "And Kabir, this is Deepak Arora, he is buyer's lawyer."

"Hi," Kabir greeted. "It's nice to meet you."

"Likewise," Deepak replied.

"So," Arjun announced. "Like what we discussed before Mr. Varma joined us, I have personally read through all the terms and conditions of this agreement and I have also personally talked to the buyer. Raina, I can safely say that the house will be in good hands."

"Yes," Deepak spoke up. "All you need to do is sign the agreement and I'll send it to be stamped once my client has signed."

"Kabir?" Raina asked, unsure of her decision. "What do you think? It's anonymous buyer."

"The guy checks out," Kabir answered.  "Besides, Deepak Arora's reputation preceeds him, he's the best lawyer in town and I trust him. You can sign it."

Raina eyed the two brothers curiously, afraid that they might be pranking her. However,  the two of them showed no change in expression.

Then, it was Arjun's turn to sign. Raina watched him closely, as he scribbled his signature on the agreement. Arjun then returned the agreement to Deepak.

"Thank you so much," Deepak said with a handshake. "I'll send you a copy as soon as possible. It's a pleasure doing business with you, Mr. Desai, Ms. Jaitley."

"Same here," Arjun responded.

"Thank you," Raina thanked the lawyer.

"And its nice to finally meet you," Deepak extended a hand to Kabir. "Mr. Varma."

"Yea," Kabir replied. "You too."

"I'll have to leave now as I have an appointment coming up," Deepak told them. Arjun stood up to show him out but Deepak stopped him. "It's ok Mr Desai, I can show myself out. Thank you."

Then, he left.

"I can't believe we got the house sold  so soon," Raina told the brothers.

"That's because you have an already interested party that's been vying your properties," Arjun replied. "It usually takes way longer than this."

"I can't believe this is real," Raina said, still reeling from the fact that she had just successfully sold off her house, and what she considers her last reason to remain in India.

"You better," Kabir spoke up. "We didn't go through all that trouble for nothing."

"Deepak should be here to send in the last bit of paperwork the day after tomorrow or Friday and you're good to go off to London," Arjun explained.

"I really am so grateful," she thanked them. "To everyone."

A chorus of "you're welcome" and "no problem" came from the boys.

"But that means," Kabir said. "You can only pass Raina the copy of the documents after the opening concert. Isn't it a bit too rush for you?"

"Not really," Raina answered. "They're just papers anyway."

Kabir nodded.

"I have to get going," Kabir told them. "I have a rehersal to get back to."

Kabir then rushed off and left the two of them behind.

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