Chapter 21

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A/N : My family and I decided to go on a random vacation and I didn't have much time to write so this chapter took a little while longer than usual to finish... So, sorry for the slightly late update... 😁😁😁

Disguises worn in this chapter are Ajab Prem Ki Ghazab Kahani inspired (because I love that movie too much)... Outfits are in the media section... Why these outfits you ask? Well, read on and let me know if it would really work out for the wearers...


Kabir led Raina down the elevator, through a few staff corridors before reaching the loading bay. There was a red Audi that neither Kabir and Raina could recognize waiting by the entrance. The window wound down to reveal Vishal at the driver's seat. He waved at them and Kabir led Raina to the car.

Kabir opened the car door for Raina and gestured her to quickly get in, which she did. Kabir then closed the door for her and rode shotgun.

"Dr. Raina meet Vishal Banerjee," Kabir introduced as soon as he got into the car. "My friend and ex band mate. And Vishal, meet Dr. Raina Jaitley, my therapist."

"Hi," Vishal said as he waved at her from the driver seat.

"Hi," she replied. "And congrats."

"Thanks," Vishal said.

"So dulhaji," Kabir asked. "What's the plan for tonight?"

"Unfortunately, there's no such thing as a quiet dinner when you're the groom and hordes of people are chasing you around," he replied. "But I can get you the next best thing." He passed Kabir a bag of clothes. "Here."

Kabir emptied the bag to find an Abaya and a Niqab?

"What am I supposed to do with this?" Kabir asked Vishal. "These are women's clothes."

"You wear it," he answered. Duh.

"B... B... But..." Kabir stammered.

"Just put it on," Vishal scolded.

"And Raina?" Kabir replied. "Di will kill me if I mess any of this up." He gestured at Raina's appearance.

"Raina is the least of our worries," Vishal told Kabir. "She's not a public figure like us so, no one will bother her. Just put it on, you little crybaby."

"Fine," Kabir said as he sulkingly put the Niqab on. "Where are we going?"

"Dona Paula," Vishal said as he drove off. "Remember the place we found when we snuck out during rehearsals?"

"The one near the jetty?" Kabir asked.

"Yup," he replied. "And if we're lucky, we might still be able to watch the sunset."

"Right," Kabir recalled. He then turned around to face Raina. "You really need to experience a Goa sunset. It's really awesome."

Raina only smiled in response. She had no idea what to expect.

"So Dr. Raina," Vishal spoke up. "How long have you known Kabir?"

"About a month," she answered. "And please, call me Raina."

"Sure Raina," he replied. "What do you think of him? As a patient? Is he as difficult as what Ayesha and Sunny tell me?"

"I'm not allowed to tell you that," Raina answered. "But I can tell you that as a friend, he's pretty great. Although, he can be quite annoying sometimes."

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