Chapter 40

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A/N: I had expected this to go on earlier but thanks for my butter chicken fingers, I deleted half a chapter... But now I'm sort of glad I did, because I revamped the story a bit and gave it some more flavour... I hope you enjoy!!!


Kabir was on a roll that day. As promised, he went to home for breakfast before headed to Rahul Oberoi's office. He even managed to squeeze in a decent conversation with Arjun to find out what happened the night when he left Tara and Vishal's wedding. Then by 9am, Kabir was already in Rahul's office waiting for his arrival.

Rahul's looked exactly the same as the last time Kabir was here, except, there were more posters and awards lining the wall.

"Sorry to keep you waiting," Rahul announced as he entered the room. "I had something to do earlier."

"It's ok, sir," Kabir replied.

"So," Rahul said as he sat in front if Kabir. "I really liked your new song and I think it has the potential to help you bounce back into the music scene."

"I sense a but," Kabir responded.

"But," Rahul continued, confirming Kabir's suspicions. "What I'm concerned with is the audience reception. You've been out of the music scene for such a long time and furthermore, with so many controversies surrounding you, I'm not sure if it'll work out."

"Please Rahul sir," Kabir pleaded. "Just give it a try. If you're worried about my behaviour, I assure you that nothing like that will ever happen again. We can go public with my treatment, link it to an alchoholism awareness program or something to prove that I've changed. I'll even sign a contract if you need me to."

"I really want my rockstar back too, Kabir," Rahul confessed. "That's why I set you up with Dr. Raina. But you have to think rationally, this is a business and businesses are about the profits. If your next album doesn't do well, it's going to be harder for you to continue your career."

"So there's no other way?" Kabir asked.

"I don't know if Sunny has told you about this but," Rahul revealed. Kabir sat up straight in his chair, his curiosity perked up. "But with all the buzz around Vishal's wedding and you guys being there, we have received quite a number of requests to bring VKAS back..."

Rahul left his statement hanging in hopes that Kabir would understand but Kabir only stared blankly at Rahul. The room was quiet for a while before Kabir burst out laughing.

"I'm being serious, Kabir," Rahul huffed in exasperation. "VKAS was, and even up till today, still is our company's biggest and most popular discovery..."

"Sir, it's not possible!" Kabir interjected. "Even if I agree to it, not everyone will."

Arjun won't, Kabir thought to himself.

"Just give it a try," Rahul prompted, sympathetically.

"Thank you for your help, Rahul sir," Kabir said as he rose from his chair. "I'm sorry for taking so much of your time."

"Kabir, please consider reuniting VKAS," Rahul said. "If not for the fans, for yourselves."

Kabir faked a smile and left Rahul's office. When the door closed behind him, Kabir let out a huff of breath. He already had an inkling that this might happen. What made him think things would go back to the way it was? That people would readily accept him with open arms after everything that has happened? Despite all the therapy...

Love Therapy [COMPLETED]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora